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I lay numb on my bed, a blanket draped over me as my mind muddles with so many thoughts and mixed emotions.

He would be here any minute now and I had no idea how I'd confront him. 

He was my mate and the bond between us was something ethereal and beautiful that I could never doubt. But he was an Alpha. A monst- I couldn't even bring myself to utter that word.

Everything we lost this day and every other orphan living an empty life like me, was all the doings of his people. There was nothing I could say to convince myself otherwise until I truly knew what his intentions were. 

What if he wanted to hurt us? What if he's like those monsters? Why did he stalk me in the first place?

Deep down something in me was assured that he'd never hurt me and I could trust him blindly but there were so many unanswered questions. I didn't know how I'd bring them in front of him without breaking down what we have in the process.

My spine stiffens with awareness as his familiar spicy wild scent fills my nostrils. My heart picks up and my entire body is in tune with his presence as I feel the bed dip behind me, under his weight.

His large body settles on my bed as he casually wraps his muscular arms around me, his nose nuzzling the nape of my neck. My skin erupts in a shiver but I remain stiff and don't acknowledge his affection.

His arms squeezed around me as he noticed my indifference. 

Of course, he fucking did.

I could feel the confusion and frustration radiating from him but I didn't know where to begin.

Time passed as we remained the same, neither of us bringing up the elephant in the room. It becomes too much for me to ignore and I finally break the silence.

"Where were you last night?" He stills for a moment before relaxing.


Frustration wells up in me," Do you know what day was yesterday?"

And he doesn't answer, making me move out of his embrace and sit up, facing him.

"Well, do you or not?" His eyes narrow at my tone, his eyes glinting from the moonlight.

"What is this, flower? My interrogation?" His voice grew dangerously low.

"I'm just asking. Am I not supposed to?" Instantly getting defensive at his demeanor. 

"Oh, you very well can. But I see you already having something in your pretty little head so why don't you stop beating around the bush?" 

My nervousness only seemed to intensify at his calm facade.

I gulp down my fear and continue," So you do know what yesterday was. Then you must also know who was the cause behind it?" 

A humorless smile pulls up lips as if he knew that's exactly what I'd say.

I'm caught off guard when he suddenly pounced on me, making me fall back on my bed as he hovered over me. The black cloth is pushed down his jaw but I couldn't make out his features in the dark. I watch his eyes turn dark grey and his canines extend," Monsters like me. Isn't that right, love?"

A chill runs down my spine at his animalistic rumble and cold grey eyes that seemed entirely like a different person and not my mate.

"That's right. You should be scared of me. You should tremble at the sight of me but you can't, even if you try, can you?" His lips move close against my throat as his canines barely touch my skin making my entire body shudder. 

Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now