29_"Running Out Of Time"

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It took me a few minutes, maybe a little more than that, to compose myself. 

My underwear was not wearable at this point so I had to accept the shorts Vlad had offered me. It was a little long, reaching till my knees but he tied the strings tight enough that they wouldn't fall off me.

After running away from Vlad's attention, I waited outside the cottage for him to come out.  The place was huge and unfamiliar so I couldn't just walk out on my own and get lost among strangers. 

He walks out after a few moments in a different set of white shirt and black pants. Seeing him like this without any wall between us was still a foreign feeling but it made my heart flutter like crazy.

He wraps his arm around my waist as we begin walking. My eyes roam over the scenery, taking in more of every little detail I had missed before. 

"How long have you been living here?" I ask him the first question that pops up in my mind.

"...since I was...ten...eleven?" He casually replies as if that meant nothing. It hits me that he was only a child when the war had happened and the entire...most of his people were killed. 

In a short distance, we reached the yard situated behind the houses where large tables and fireplaces were already arranged. The serene view of the lake ahead and soft rays of the sun peaking made the place all the more beautiful.

"This is where we all eat together," Vlad mutters, his eyes focused on the view in front of us. "We only have each other and we'll never know when everything will come to an end...so we cherish the small things." 

The small smile pulling up his lips makes me smile wider at him. There were a lot of emotions in his words but I don't question this time and simply lean on him, enjoying the silence.

But the peace is briefly interrupted by the hurried voice calling out," My king! My king!"

We immediately snap back to look at the middle-aged man jogging towards us. Slight grey hairs layer across his forehead as the wrinkles around his eyes are prominent. 

Then I notice a tall woman trailing behind him and I watch her in awe. Her bright red hair was pulled into a slick ponytail and her white shirt and pants fit perfectly snug around her curves. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and I could instantly tell by the aura of dominance around her that she was an Alpha. Her golden eyes fall on me and a soft frown etches on her forehead making me avert my gaze from her.

I could still feel her intense look on me and I didn't know what to do about it.

"My king, you have to know. You have to..." The man's voice trails off as his eyes fall on me. They widen dramatically and I'm totally uncomfortable by their attention, making me instinctually lean closer to Vlad.

"You brought her home..." He whispers to himself but everyone could clearly hear his words. I did too. So I turned flustered not knowing how to take his reaction.

"Sam, she's still...new to all of this." Vlad finally utters, giving him a pointed look. 

Then Sam turns away his glazed eyes and laughs nervously," I apologize. I'm just so happy to finally see you." He directly smiles at me and emotions lump my throat. I nod at him, managing to give him a small smile because he genuinely seemed to mean his words and I never had anyone say that to me.

But the redhead behind him still seemed to stare at me so intensely, it was almost like she was glaring at me.

"You were saying something," Vlad says, thankfully taking away the attention from me.

The smile on Sam's face dropped and he tensed. That didn't seem good.

"Elder Anne...she...couldn't hold on anymore." 

The air suddenly turns cold as I hear the sharp intake of breath, only then realizing that Kain had been there all along. 

I didn't know who they were talking about or what any of that meant but from the flexing of his jaw, I could tell it wasn't good.

It only confirms my theory when I see his eyes glisten and pull away from me.

"We're running out of time, sir."

And his eyes fell shut at that. He breathes for a moment before straightening up," Prepare for the funeral."

Oh. Fuck. 

Sam nods and walks away but the tension and gloominess were still lingering in the air.

This was not what I expected but I wanted to be there for him. Clearly, he seemed affected by the news but he was still holding back from mourning and I didn't know the reason.

He tenses when I place my hand on his arm. He throws me a brief look before beginning," You should leave."

"What? Why? I want to be here." 

He sighs," No, Layla. This is not how I want you to meet my people."


"Some other time." He said softly and I knew I couldn't refuse. "Kain will take you home."

He presses a light kiss on my lips before pulling away. My heart aches as I feel the extent of his grief in me and I didn't want to leave him here like this but I decided to listen for once and turned to Kain.

After a last glance at my mate, I walk away with Kain as he holds my hand and takes me home.


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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now