09_"Fuck You"

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I could not describe what I felt at that moment.

It was a weird sense of relief, fear, joy, excitement, anger and so many other emotions clouding my brain, all at the same time.

"I fucking dare you to repeat that, mate." His low growl rasps against my ears, erupting goosebumps across my skin.

His huge strong hands held me against the wall by my neck as his huge frame warms my back and somehow it ignites foreign sensations in me.

I hated that a stranger brought out such extreme feelings from me and it made my heart flutter like crazy, I was sure he could hear it. I felt so sensitive and vulnerable that I couldn't hold back anymore as tears brimmed my eyes and my entire body quivered as I sobbed.

I feel the fingers against my neck loosen and his body tense, "Are you...why are you crying?" 

His deep low voice laced with concern whispered and it made me cry harder. "Did I hurt you? Are you scared? Should I leave?" When I didn't answer, I could feel the frustration radiating from him.

A sob paused at my lips when I heard him take a step back. 

My heart stops and fear gripes me. I couldn't understand the sudden change in my heart but I knew I couldn't let him leave me again. 

Before I could think properly I jumped on his tall body and clung to him as my life depended on it. And it actually might.

I could tell he was taken aback by my actions but I continued to trap him in clutches and resume my crying.

Ugh. Why couldn't I stop crying?

He paused for a moment before wrapping his arms around me and lifting me so he could hold me properly, "Stop crying."

"Fuck you." I snap back a muffled response from his neck. 

He sighed and carried me to my bed, laying down, with me still clinging on top of him. 

There was a sudden vibration from his chest and I realized that there was no pain anymore and the anger and frustration drained down as warmth and peace envelop me and I melt against his hard frame. His fingers stroke my hair and I'm lulled into a welcoming sleep.

That's when I realized he was purring. For me. And I wished he'd never stop doing that.


Omg guys I saw AOTB reached the top rankings already it's just been a few days skjkdkwsjk


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