37_Just The Beginning

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"Are you sure this is how you wanna do it?"

"Yes, Luke. I am sure. Are you sure you wanna do this with me? You can leave me be and join the others."

He scoffs at me as if that is the stupidest thing he's ever heard but my worry for him was valid.

This blind hunt that I was leading was completely selfish and all for the sake of my mate's people. My people. I was taking this risk, accompanying the usual student volunteers who help in the palace. But obviously, I had other reasons this time. And if Luke wanted to take an exit, I wouldn't ever fault him. I would never forgive myself if I put him in danger of any sort.

"Stop overthinking. I'm not leaving you alone with this."

I sighed and nodded back.

I wasn't alone though, I wanted to point out because those guys would never leave me alone. There were several disguised alphas surrounding the palace, today more so than ever because of me. And I'm glad.

"Just look out for anything out of place."

The crowd ahead moved out into divisions according to their works as Luke and I with the few other omegas entered the sanctuary.

I didn't realize how secluded this area was until I noticed almost none of the guards standing this way. These were little details that everyone ignored daily unless someone pointed them out.

"Layla, come pick up these boxes will you?"


I glance back at Luke and he motions for me to go ahead.

"Go, I'll be fine," he whispers.

"Alright, text me if you find something." With that, we part ways.

I don't know how long had passed as I schemed through books and documents.

I truly believed in whatever hunch Vlad had but looking for something without knowing what it really is, is fucking hard.

I felt like losing my mind at this point. What should I be looking for? A key, a letter, a book, a photograph...


I stiffened at the sudden flash of my phone and noticed Luke's name on it.

"What is it—"

"Listen, Layla. You need to come to the basement somehow—" Is there a basement here? "You need to get down here as soon as possible—"

"Luke? Luke, I can't hear you!"

"Come to—bring Kane—" Panic settles in my heart at Luke's frantic words as I rush out and look around for the basement.

I had no idea where to start. So I do what I was sure of, I call Kane.  

The End of Book I

Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now