06_War Of Emotions

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I laugh at myself.

I laugh at how my brain came up with the conclusion when everyone knew something like that was fictional.

Mate bonding.

I scoff and slam the book shut as weird emotions grip at my heart.

Ugh. Shut up. Shut up! No!

I can't have a mate. Bonding and all that bullshit did not happen in real life.

Even if somehow, by some fucking miracle mate bond did exist, I cannot have one. I'm an orphan for fuck's sake! Who would want me? A weak omega. The possibility that there's someone out there made just for me. To love me and cherish me- no no no. That's impossible. Not true.

I lean back against the bookshelf and rub my forehead in hopes of relieving the ache but it did nothing. It was as if the pain simply became bigger and bigger as days passed.

Luke asked me if I should visit a doctor but I refused and shut myself in my room. He didn't bother me except for the little knocks on my door, calling me out for dinner. I once again refused because even if my stomach was begging for food, my heart and brain couldn't help thinking of anything but the possibility of having a mate.

I don't realize when I fall asleep but I do until I feel the cool breeze from the window graze my cheeks. I snuggle inside my blanket, still mostly asleep but something in the back of my mind was high on alert. The chaos in my head dimmed down and my pulses calmed themselves. The feeling of warmth and safety filled me as my tensed body melted against the mattress.

And at that moment, there was nothing more beautiful than that feeling. It was something I've never felt and it was something I wanted to cherish all along with my life and never let go.

A few minutes pass, maybe hours. I didn't care as I basked in that peace.

Something soft brushes against my forehead and that was when my eyes slightly opened to look at a huge black silhouette jump out of the window. I wanted to scream. To ask who he was or maybe to tell him to fucking stay but I wasn't conscious enough to make decisions as I quickly fell asleep.

So maybe mate bonding might not be entirely false I guess.


Um, I want a mate too😩


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now