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By the time Kain and I reach my apartment, the sky had begun to grow a darker shade of blue, and the streets were quiet. 

He halted at the entrance of the thick forest as the darkness looms over his features. He proceeds to stay frozen on his feet and I take it as my cue to start walking towards my apartment. 

The moment I step into my building, his dark shadow disappears into the thick canopy and I sigh moving into my home.

I'm met with utter silence as I open the door. Luke was probably asleep by now, so I quietly padded across to my room and take a moment to recall the events that occurred today which also ended in a blur of motion as if it was all a dream. So much had happened in such a short amount of time that I didn't know how I was supposed to react. 

Was it really okay to feel this calm about this whole situation? Wouldn't any sane person start freaking out by now and possibly report to the king? 

But what actually worried me was the fact how I seemed to accept all of this so well and somehow also felt the connection with those strangers instantly that I've never felt with my own people here. 

With these buzzing thoughts and emotions, I wake up the next morning as the bright rays escaping the curtains, glare sharply at my face.

My mind is empty and my body is lethargic as I stumble down to my bathroom and proceed with my morning routine before strolling towards the kitchen where the delicious aroma of Luke's cooking already lightens my mood.

I pour myself a cup of warm coffee before settling down on the stool on the counter and watch as luke places the neat slices of toasts on a plate. 

A few minutes pass as I begin to sense a strange aura of tension between us. Maybe I was overthinking as usual but somehow his silence didn't seem right this morning. 

Then I slightly jump as his soft deep voice suddenly pierces through the silence, "Where were you last night?"

Yup, I was right.

"Uh...I was...in the..."

"Are you gonna lie to me, Lay?"

The obvious excuses pause at my lips at his words, as I blink at him.

He finally looks up at me and exhales before continuing, "Who was that man with you last night?"


My shuts fall shut and I'm at a loss of words. How am I supposed to answer that?

I nervously shift on my stool as I open my mouth to answer but the right words won't come out.

"Look. I...don't mean to sound like your guardian or whatever but...you-you've been acting strange these days, Lay. You smell strange. And that man...he seemed dangerous..." the concern in his eyes made my heart expand with emotion but I wasn't sure it was my place to give the answers.

Silence settles between us and in that moment I felt the most distant from him than ever in our friendship of ten years. 

"You should tell him, flower." I flinch at that sudden intrusion of the voice and I hear a tiny gasp leave luke as his wide eyes stare behind me at the man himself.

What on earth?


Can't believe we're at the 30th chapter already...

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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now