21_Moving On

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A sigh of relief escapes my lips as the warm water rains down on me. I stood still, letting it drench me entirely. The warm shower brought me some comfort because I laid cold on my bed the entire night, my pillow still wet from my tears. 

I needed to stop crying so much. 

Ever since I met him, so much had changed and now I don't feel like myself anymore. I've become this bundle of emotions and couldn't stop feeling them.

I didn't know what last night meant for us. But I needed to stop being selfish and also think about everyone else around me.

If my mate was out with killing off every beta for revenge or God knows what, I shouldn't stand by him anymore. It wasn't right. 

Before I melt down into another sob session I get out of the shower and get ready for school.

Every minute that passed seemed to stretch longer than necessary. My body felt heavy and without me realizing it, I was waiting for the sky to darken so I could meet him.

What will I say when he comes? I didn't know but I needed to see him.

I didn't realize I fell asleep alone until I woke up cold in the middle of the night. The familiar ache in my heart and dizziness in my head was what woke me and I didn't know what to feel.

He didn't come.

I couldn't sleep anymore. The bags under my eyes were prominent the next morning, making Luke give me a worried look. But I brush it off and tell him not to worry.

When he didn't come the second night, anger consumed me and I wanted to scream and throw things around the room. 

That asshole. 

If he wasn't going to visit me anymore then fuck him. If it was that easy for him then it will be easy for me to forget him too. I'll fucking move on and eventually, this fucking ache will fade away. At least that's what I said to convince myself.

The third night made me realize how difficult all of my previous decisions were going to be. 

The emptiness that filled my heart was something I've never felt before. 

I was angry and frustrated but I also recognized the fear in me. 

So he didn't need me either. He left for good this time.

Then I regretted ever opening myself to him. I shouldn't have let myself be vulnerable. It was my fault.

Then I didn't keep track of his absence anymore. I felt drained and emotionally exhausted. I cried so much, no more tears were left. The emptiness was all I could feel. My brain numbed and I felt like a walking corpse.

A week had passed or maybe more, I laid on my bed trying to sleep. 

My body was tired and I had to sleep to feel human again but I couldn't. 

I stand up and move to the bathroom. After relieving my bladder, I walk out into my darkroom and that's when I feel it.

My numbed emotions were alive again and my weakened heart went erratic. 

My eyes fell shut, not wanting to give in to the feelings but I hadn't felt alive in a long time and the emptiness wasn't there anymore. 

So I run into those arms as warmth consumes me and the longing in me breaks free.


Writing this made me feel like I had a breakup...

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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now