24_The Plan

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The sudden change of events leaves me feeling nothing but cold.

I sit up straight, pulling down my top and adjusting my shorts as a sense of humiliation fills me. Few minutes had passed since he left but his anger was still storming inside me. 

And I begin regretting my abrupt actions. 

Then when I think of the extent of my grief these past days, it reminds me that I had no other way. A part of me is satisfied that my alpha carries my mark but another part of me, which clearly senses his chaotic emotions, fears that he might come to resent me for what I had done. 

Maybe I should've thought about it more. Or talked to him.

I have a mini-war within me, as my heartaches. 

So much had happened and I had no one to talk to. I couldn't ask for advice like a normal teenager with her first relationship. I had no family and no loved ones and I didn't know how to deal with all these intense emotions all at once. 

The next day, I'm restless and agitated as anxiety grips me. I stride around the room, my feet splattering against the wooden floor over and over as I was wondering if my mate would still come to visit me after last night. The burning anger and disappointment didn't seem to simmer down as they only made me more insecure.

But all my doubt and insecurity fly out of the window and I'm stunned into shock as I see my mate push through the window. 

His body remains stiff and he never acknowledges my presence as he proceeds to settle down on my bed. And it seemed like he fell asleep. 

I stood by the bed, still not out of the shock that he was here. Even though he was mad, he didn't punish me that way and I was thankful because I was sure I would've broken down if he had.

I gingerly slip into the sheets beside him as I bite my lips not sure if I should approach him or not. I know I shouldn't push him more than I already had but I couldn't just stay away from when he was this close to me. So I simply snuggle with him and bury my face into his warm back. I was sure I felt him tense but it was merely a second so I didn't ponder on it and instantly fell asleep.

The next night passed away in a similar manner where he continued to stay indifferent to me and I continued to cuddle him. 

But we couldn't go on like that. All that happened was because we didn't communicate in the first place. 

So I mustered up a plan for tonight.

Spending days and nights on historical manuscripts and ancient mythology did indeed come in handy at times like this. 

Currently, I was already asleep on my bed. More like pretending to sleep. But since he didn't bother looking at me I didn't have to try so hard. 

I had my cloaking scent ready by my pillow which was very much hard to prepare. I hadn't followed any rules in my life so precisely as I did with this one. And I was sure it would work but I can't say I had any experience in the matter so I choose to believe what the book said. 

Hours pass as Vlad lays sleeping by me and I wait for the right moment. 

My breath hitches and my heart stammers as I feel him stir and roll off the bed. I try to relax my body and calm my heart rate so he wouldn't suspect me.

A few seconds pass before I hear him jump off the window and I sigh of relief. Immediately,  I jump into action and grab my cloaking scent, spraying it all over me. I already had my shoes on that I masterfully hid under the blanket. The rope ladder that I tied to the window this morning is pulled out as I hurriedly climb down my window. 

I wasn't sure how doomed I'd be if I got caught but I made up my mind that I wasn't going to sit on my ass and wait for him all day so I walked into the forest trusting my senses to trail behind Vlad. I scented his distinct smell and proceeded to walk small steps into the forest so I wouldn't run into him.

I didn't know how long I walked and I had no idea where I was going at this point. It was way past midnight and in a few hours the sun would rise up and before that, I had to trail down my mate and where he went every night.

A sudden rustling of leaves makes my step falter and I grab onto a tree looking around. I gulp down my arising fear and remind myself why I'm here. But as I take a step forward the rustling is heard again and this time it sounds a lot closer. 

My heart leaps out of my chest when I see a black silhouette across me but I remain silent behind the tree. 

Oh god.


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