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After a few seconds of pulling myself together, I push the wooden door in front of me open and throw a glance at Kain for the last time before stepping in.

I take in the wild woodsy scent of my mate filling the room and observe the wooden walls and furniture. There's a cot by the side of the wall and a couple of boxes arranged which I assume must be for his clothing and other items. There's a tiny kitchen counter on the other side of the room which is pretty much empty. The entire room contained nothing much except for the large desk with papers and files and the man himself settled behind them.

Then my entire being is stunned into shock and my heart swells in me as I take in the familiar-looking man. Except there isn't any barrier hiding him from me this time.

I stood frozen for a moment thinking maybe I ended up in the wrong room but I felt the bond throb in my heart and the connection grow. 

His long lashes cast a shadow down his cheeks as he quietly studies the papers in front of him, unbothered by my presence. My eyes fall to his nose bridge to his high cheekbones and those familiar plump lips pursed in concentration. His jaw to his neck and collar bones, all laid open to my eyes under the light of the rising sun. There was neither any darkness to hide him nor any cloth to conceal him.

My heart fills with foreign emotions and my mind is dazed as I step towards him. His blue eyes darted up to glance at me and he didn't seem even a little bit surprised at my presence.

He continues staring at me with his nonchalant gaze as I proceed to walk without taking away my eyes from those newly revealed features. 

I stood in front of him, my eyes locked onto his. I don't realize what I'm doing when my hands reach up to his face. I try to contain the overwhelming emotions that grip me as my fingers graze the soft skin of his cheeks. I didn't know what to feel because I couldn't sense his emotions. They were a mess and a whole whirlpool, I couldn't even feel his anger. They confused me and made me second guess my actions but I couldn't stop myself.

His eyes seemed to soften as his hands closed around my waist, pulling me between his thighs. 

My fingers ever so gently caress his jaw to his forehead. I trace his eyebrows down to his nose bridge and his eyes fall shut at that as he leans into my touch. The moment was so rare and heartwarming as we both felt the vulnerability and intimacy lingering in the air.

Soon I end up straddling his lap as we both lean into each other. Then when my eyes fall onto the bright pulsing mark on his neck, guilt consumes me all over again.

"I-I'm sorry..." A choked whisper leaves me as I couldn't contain it anymore. "I shouldn't have...I..."

Tears blur my vision as his huge hands engulf my face but he doesn't say anything. 

"I was s-scared...that you'd leave...a-again...and I just..." My body quivers as I hide my tears in his chest. "Maybe we can r-remove it or something. We can-"

"Now why would we do that, flower?" 

"Because-" I begin but he shushes me by placing a finger against my lips as his intense blue eyes stare at me. 

"I'm not mad." He sighs before leaning back in the chair as his fingers softly push my wild curls behind. "I mean, I won't lie saying I wasn't furious. But not anymore." 

His eyes glaze with emotion as he continues, "Marking your mate is...sacred. Special. And once you do it, there's no going back." His darkened eyes looking right at me.

And at that moment I knew what was bothering him.

"I did this. It was my choice. It was my fault," I say as I clasped his face between my hands.

He pauses, looking at me before shaking his head, "It's not your fault. I knew this would happen. The moment we grew closer, I knew it was bound to happen...now I brought you into this world..."

Silence falls between us as we ponder over what all this meant for us. But I already knew that I'd choose whatever I could, to stay by his side. No matter what. 

A few seconds later he breaks the silence, "I'm proud of wearing your mark."

And my heart flutters at his words. I was taken aback by the boldness of his words as a sigh of relief left me. Something in me finally settles, the feeling of calmness washing over me.

"And Viktor's pretty smug about it." His lips twitch into a smile as I turn red. I didn't know what to say to that.

"Is he now..."

"Mmhmm. Never felt him that happy." And I couldn't keep the smile off my face at that. 

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" I look at him expectantly as a feeling of giddiness takes over me. 

His eyes seemed to gleam at me while he shook his head saying no.

"I mean I was caught up in my panic that I didn't ask you about it and I think-"

The rest of my words are swallowed by the pair of lips abruptly pressing against mine. And I jump back caught by surprise but his firm arms wrap me closer to him. 

Parting away from him, I feel his soft gaze on me as the bond between us blooms and strengthens.


Yeah ik what I said

But I plan on making this a series so I didn't wanna drag this out

Hope ur ready for the next one😇


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now