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The darkness of the night has faded away as the soft glow of the early sunlight illuminates the thick forest canopy.

Every path seemed the same to me but this guy, Kain, strutted ahead as if he knew the forest by the back of his hand.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?"


"Does Vlad seriously live here?"


"How do you know him?"


"How are you even here? Aren't Alphas extinct?"


"You'd be an awful tour guide, you know." I huff, his silence finally getting on my last nerve.

"My apologies, your highness." He finally utters in his gruff voice.

"That's all you're gonna say? And why are you calling me that? You know I'm just eighteen, right?" 

"Would you rather I call you with some other title?" I roll my eyes at his emotionless words.

A yelp leaves me as I run into his back at his abrupt stop. 


"We're here." And an awkward silence settles between us as I stare at the empty forest in front of me. I was almost sure he was pranking me or he actually didn't know anything. 

I blink up at him and he grumbles under his breath before grabbing my arm.

"What are you doing?" I squeak as he proceeds to hold my hands tight. 

"Please hold onto me, your highness. He'll have my head if I let something happen to you."

With that, he takes a step forward urging me along with him and I feel the weird vibrations against my skin. The world in front of me is suddenly blurry and my skin prickles as I shut my eyes at the sudden force hitting me. In mere seconds, everything goes back to normal and I feel nothing. 

What on fucking earth?

My eyes snap open as I feel him release my hand and a loud gasp escapes my lips. 

I'm stunned at the scenery in front of me and my mouth falls agape. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Huge grasslands extend as far as my eyes reach with a lake by the side. There are at least a hundred tents, huts, or cottages, whatever you call them. 

Weren't we in the middle of a forest right now? 

Oh my god.

"What's this place?" I breathe, my eyes still wandering over the unfamiliar land.

"A haven."

"Haven? Y-You, mean people live here?" I look at him incredulously. 

"Yes. People like me."

Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now