23_"What Have You Done?"

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LAYLA | s e x u a l c o n t e n t

The abrupt change in the air and heating of my body made me gasp.


I was confused at the change in his demeanor. It was different and unfamiliar making me feel things I've never felt before. It woke something deep and carnal in me, I didn't know how to react.

"Or you can call me Beast." He purrs, the seductive tone and mischief dancing in his eyes, erupting tingles within me.

Then it clicks me.

"You...you're not Vladmir...you're..." My wide eyes blinked back at his grey eyes in astonishment. 

His eyes fall shut and he lets out a sound of appreciation-less like a growl and more like a moan," You have no idea how much your intelligence turns me on, love."

When his eyes snap open, they are wild and lustful as he leans into me, his lips hovering over mine. My mind is dazed as my eyes roam over my mate's true form. 

Even with the same face and same body, they seemed entirely different from one another. While Vlad was calm, composed, and playful, Viktor was wild, untamed and so full of mischief. I couldn't decide on who was hotter.

I gulp, my eyelids hooded as I wait for him to press his lips against mine. But the more I chase his lips, the more he seemed to tease. I whine when I don't get my way and a chuckle leaves his lips. 

This smug motherfucker.

"You want your alpha all over you, don't you, love?" I was embarrassed and flushed red but I still nodded.

"What's the magic word?" He growls and I whimper at that, weirdly turned on by his words.

"P-please, V-Viktor?" My voice is so small, I can barely hear it but he seemed pleased by the low groan leaving his lips.

True to his words, he doesn't waste any more time and pounces on me, his lips capturing mine in a wild kiss. I moan at his impatience and grab onto his thick wide shoulders. He spreads my legs and I feel his hard erection against my soaked underwear.

My toe curls and nails dig into him as his strong hips snap against me. The tightened turmoil in me seemed to come back to life as I arch back and let him buck against me. My eyes roll back and my mouth opens in a silent scream of pleasure as his mouth sucks one of my nipples in. I couldn't think clearly, my brain haywire at the overstimulation.

He looked immensely aroused, seeing me lose my mind and kept rutting against me. His intense grey eyes spurred me on as the knot in me loosened into a blinding pleasure making me moan sharp and hold him close to me.

He didn't seem to tire as his hips grind, riding me through my post-orgasmic shocks. He groans nuzzling into my neck as I let him take his pleasure. I trail kisses against his jaw as I feel a sense of peace settle in my heart. 

But it doesn't last long as fear and paranoia consume me. 

Once this was over he'd still leave. He could still decide not to come to me or reject me. There were so many scenarios running through my mind where my mate could still not want me. 

I could not afford to feel that ache again. I could not go through that emptiness anymore. 

So I do the one thing that would keep him attached to me forever, the one thing that would never let him leave.

I sink my teeth into his soft skin.

His entire form stills at that and a moan escapes his lips as his body shudders in my arms.

Tears blur my eyes as I feel my heart expand and warmth fill in. I moan in bliss and emotions wrap me up as I feel him inside me. 

My tongue swipes away the remaining of his blood as I feel his warmth, his pleasure, his contentment, and how they morph into anger and surprise. 

I gasp when he pushes off me swiftly and looks at his wide blue eyes looking at me in disbelief.

"What have you done?"


Woohoo is it jus me or is it really hot in here?😇

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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now