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☛Layla and Luke visit Vlad's land.

They meet Dax and Ivor.

☛Erin offers to take Luke home.


As I stood alone in the middle of this foreign land, I took my time to study everything. 

The place was stunning. But the one thing I noticed immediately was the lack of children at all. So many things here made little sense to me and I wondered when I would ever be let in on whatever was going on with these people.

Even the fact that they addressed my mate as 'King' didn't make sense to me. Maybe it's because he's their leader? Maybe because he's the one capable of taking care of them?

I huffed a breath as my mind tried testing every theory I had because I couldn't just accept it all.

I couldn't ignore this weird feeling in the back of my head that something wasn't right. Although this place seemed very pleasing to the eyes, something about it seemed like an...illusion. As though all this silent harmony I was witnessing was simply a facade.

And I hated feeling that way.

I wasn't sure if I should go looking around or just turn back to Vlad's cottage because standing here, waiting for him to finish his business was not possible. I was getting distracted quickly.

My moment of confusion was ruined when the loud sound of something smashing made me flinch.

What the fuck was that?

My heart raced as I couldn't stop myself from approaching the cottage with small steps. I move over to the side of the house as I peep in only to see papers all over the floor and the table split into two.

Oh my god.

The two alphas stood unfazed at the destruction in front of them and Vlad had his back turned to me and by the look of his heaving shoulders, all of this was him.

A sense of worry flashes through me at what might have caused my mate to react this way but the uncertainty I feel when I see the same maniacal look in his gleaming silver eyes makes me shiver, sending a chill down my spine.

I heard quiet mummers from Dax but his words are baffling, so I move closer to the window and try pressing my ears.

"... and he will not live to witness that," Vlad growls, his fists clenching and the two alphas grunted in agreement.

I did not know what to take of this as my hands clamp over my mouth and I slump below the window. I'm sure there's an explanation to that and I must have misheard something. But there was no other meaning to his words.

A few minutes pass as I sit frozen on my spot. The need to bolt away from here was overwhelming.

But the moment I hear the windows above me sliding open, my eyes fall shut.

"You should come in, Luna."


Double update since I was late!

Make sure you don't miss the next chapter!


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now