11_The Beast

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I lay on my bed, thinking over what just happened and my mood immediately darkens. 

He left. Again.

I was annoyed that I was annoyed at his disappearance but there was no point denying it anymore.

Time passed as I remained still but my brain overworked, still thinking over the same events.

Then I heard a knock on my door and I knew it was Luke. 

Sighing I get out of my room and see breakfast on the kitchen counter. I walk over and settle on a stool as Luke sets a plate of food in front of me.

"When did you reach home last night?" I begin as Luke takes a seat beside me. 

"Nine. It was pretty busy, with the festival and all. But people were not ready to help out like last year." He grumbles, munching on his toast.

And that caught my attention as I grew curious. 

It was a shocker because people usually loved the festival and the week before the festival was a whole celebration where everybody was out on the streets even after the middle of the night.

"Why? People are always into that shit."

"Oh, you didn't know about it?" He frowns, his nose scrunching.

"Know about what?"

"The Beast!" He hissed as though someone was listening to our rambles.

My eyebrows shoot up my forehead," The Beast?" I look at him startled.

And he furiously nods before leaning into me," They say The Beast is out at night killing people."

"Beast as in an actual beast or...?"

"I don't know about that but last week a few of the royal guards who went patrolling were found dead and a few days ago one of the King's servants was also found dead."

"Fucking hell. How come it's not all over the news yet?"

"Well...because these are just rumors and none of the royals or the King has confirmed any of it. Yet."

"Then how did you know all of that?" I question because Luke was never into the gossip and was usually the last person to receive any news.

"...um...Bella..." His wide eyes blinked back at me as he gave me a sheepish smile.

"Of course." I shake my head and go back to my breakfast.

Then we hurried to school and continued with the rest of our day.

I was currently on my bed trying to sleep but it never came because my brain was filled with the single thought of the masked stranger and he was all I could think of the whole day. I couldn't help but remain distracted through all my classes and the time somehow slipped away and now my heart was already racing as I wondered if he'd come or not.

Maybe he won't come anymore, now that he's seen me up close and-

My thoughts were cut off short as the familiar black silhouette pushed through my window. 

Instantly I sat up," What do you think you're doing?"

He ignores me and walks towards me as the bed squeaks under his weight and he lays down on it with his arms folded behind his head. 

I gape at his nonchalance and take a moment to look at him.

The black cloth still covered his face as his upper body was clad in a black button-down shirt and black jeans wrapped around his thick thighs with black boots on his feet that stuck out of my bed since he was unusually tall.

When my eyes snap back to him I realize he's been watching me all along. 

I pretend my heart didn't flutter at that and glared at him," You can't just come into my room as you wish."

He simply raised his eyebrows as if he said 'What you gonna do about it?' and he was already getting on my nerves.

"I don't know who you are." I hiss at him," I don't believe in the mate shit and I don't care-"

"Layla." I pause at the abrupt name-calling and watch his eyes harden, all the playfulness leaving them in a matter of seconds. 

He immediately sits up and is right in front of my face as he takes my hand and places it on his hard chest right above his heart," Tell me you don't feel it."

"Tell me you don't and I'll leave and never come back."


So what do you think about this chapter? Any theories? Predictions?

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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now