15_Lingering Touches

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My fluttering heart doesn't seem to stop as my breath hitches in anticipation and my entire body starts heating at the sudden change in the atmosphere.

I remain frozen, waiting for him to make a move.

His eyes do the color-changing thing again but the darkened orbs were steady on me.

The fingers lingering against my face moves to the cloth on his face as he reaches back to loosen it. My mind is completely blank as my entire attention is narrowed down to his hands undoing the piece of hindrance.

I think I forget how to breathe as I watch the cloth slide down the bridge of his nose.

Just when I am finally close to getting the full picture, he folds the cloth in half and places them on my eyes.

My world blanks and I'm confused for a moment until I realize he was blindfolding me.

My mouth falls agape as I am astonished at the change of events and hadn't thought of such a possibility.

I heard him chuckle and anger instantly spiked me," Did you just...you...that's not fair." But I didn't get any reply.

I don't know how long I just sat there but he didn't seem to do anything. I couldn't feel him or hear him. If it wasn't for his scent I would've thought he left.

Being cut off from my vision seemed to awaken my other senses as I felt aware of every sound and movement around me.

My hands were free and I knew he left them on purpose. I could choose to remove the cloth blinding me but the fact that he was watching me squirm in anticipation and all his attention focused only on me erupted a sense of peace within me. I was curious about what he'd do.

A weird sense of excitement shoots through me as my skin heats.


I was about to move from my position when a sudden sensation grazed my cheek. I jump at the sudden action and my breathing picks up as his fingers gently glide over my skin. Warm breath tickles my ears as I try to move away but immediately stopped by the hand on my face.

"You think I don't know what you're doing, naughty little girl?" A shiver runs through me and I'm aware of his sudden proximity. "But maybe I'll let it slide since you were so cute."

My face is flushed and chest heaving as I feel his gaze burning through me and his fingers move to trace my lips.

His warm breathing against my face as something ever so lightly touched my lips. Small pants escape me as a small kiss is pressed to my lips and I tense. His lips hovering over mine sends sparks through me and my mind clouds.

"Breath, flower. Breath." I didn't realize I stopped. He pressed a finger inside my mouth and instructed me to breathe as I followed.

"Now relax your lips, baby. You look like you're about to fight a battle." He doesn't let me mull deep into my embarrassment as his lips are once more pressed against mine. "Just do as I do."

His lips move against mine and I try to relax and follow. The kiss is soft and I'm lulled into it as the fingers stroking my face seemed to burn on my skin. "You listen so well, baby." He mummers softly, lightly sucking on my lower lip. And I'm embarrassed that heat pools in my stomach at the praise and wetness gush my underwear.

If he smells it, he doesn't comment as he resumes kissing me. I'm surprised I'm not a puddle at his feet yet cause I'm like melting butter in his arms.

The pace increases as the kiss turn hotter when he tugs at my lower lips. A small moan escaped my lips but I was far into the kiss to try and stop myself. His fingers tighten against my hair and he tilts my head back further as I'm surprised at the foreign feelings it brings in me. I gasp and he takes the chance to slip his tongue into mine and I moan at that. My hands find a place to settle and I finally hold onto his thick thighs as they flex under my grip.

A low groan releases from him as he kisses me harder.

And I loved every second of it. The control he had over me in those minutes was something I never knew I'd enjoy.

That was my first kiss.

We shift from our position and spend the rest of the night simply kissing each other and making out with arms wrapped around us. The simple touches and sweet talks were something I never dreamt of but the urge to keep them forever settled in my heart.


I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put up a warning cuz it was just a kiss uk😏

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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now