16_"Stop Laughing"

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The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face which was so damn unusual because I wasn't a morning person.

My stomach flutters as I recall last night's events. 

The soft kisses, lingering touches, all made me feel giddy like a teenage girl having a crush. Because it was something I never experienced since I hadn't paid attention to boys and didn't have a crush on anyone. Now that I got to experience all that with my mate, it made sense and felt natural.

Thinking about Vlad made me realize that there was an empty spot beside me and the cold sheets were the only reminder of his stay.

My heart drops and my mood dampens as I realize he left again. 

We had a moment last night. I felt the intimacy grow between us and thought we grew closer. 

I tried to cheer myself up saying he was busy and he'd come tonight but I was still feeling grumpy and knew it wouldn't dim down anytime soon.

Rubbing my eyes sleepily, I walk out of my room in search of food. At Least that could compensate for my dull self.

Then I stilled at the kitchen doorway and a gasp escapes me as I notice the huge figure turned towards the counter. My mood immediately lightens and I stand speechless as I watch him fumbling around the kitchen.

He didn't leave.

I try fighting a smile but he doesn't notice me as his entire attention is focused on the eggs in front of him. He tries breaking one but they are instantly crushed under his palm as he jerks at the yolk splashing on him. He mutters a 'shit' and he looks around, trying to figure out how to fix his doings. I can't help myself as laughter leaves my lips. 

His head snaps back to me and I'm holding onto the nearby wall as I choke on my laughter. He frowns, glancing at the crushed shells in his hands and I'm once again consumed in a fit of laughter.

"It was an accident." He glares at me as I bite my lips trying to hold in more giggles. "Stop laughing." 

Was he pouting? Shit, why was he so cute?

This was a side I never thought I'd see of him and it made me feel things I couldn't decipher. 

"I thought I'd make breakfast but fuck it, I guess." He mumbles, a frown still etched on his forehead. I couldn't help but smile.

Then it struck me.

"What are you doing here? What if Luke sees you?!" I whisper shouted, rushing to his side.

He rolls his eyes and moves to the sink to wash off his hands," How old do you think I am, flower? I can take care of myself."

"That's not the point," I muttered, glancing at Luke's door. I was worried Luke would see him. What would I tell him then? Oh, God.

"Relax. He's not here."


"He got a call and rushed out."

"What? Why? What happened?" I was such a bad friend. I haven't spent any time with him these days. Was I neglecting him?

"I don't think it's anything you should worry about. He came to tell you but saw you sleeping and left. See your texts." Then I saw Luke's text saying he was visiting his mom and didn't want me to worry. 

I slump down on the stool as I thank God that he was fine. 

I watched Vlad place some toasts on my place, taking the burnt ones away. He places fruits and other items and slides the plate in front of me.

"You're not eating?" I ask as he takes a seat beside me on the counter. He shakes his head and watches me intently.

Why did I expect anything different? 

Sighing, I bite into my toast but it becomes difficult as I feel his attention on me. It makes me conscious as I try not to eat weirdly. 

Time passed as we sat in silence as I finished my plate and he seemed content that I enjoyed eating everything on the plate. 

He removes my plate and replaces it with a glass of milk in front of me and turns back to wash the dishes. I offer washing instead but he doesn't reply and quickly goes through all of them in minutes. I watched fascinated at how he moved through my kitchen with ease and mesmerized at his strong physic working as though none of them ever tired him.

After we sat talking in the kitchen for a while, we moved to the hall room as we settled on the couch. 

I tuck in my legs on the couch as I turn on the TV and Vlad slides next to me, our thighs pressed together. My stomach does the thing again at his closeness but I resume flipping through the channels. 

Soon we get comfortable as we lean into each other and his fingers play with my dark locks soothingly. 

"...that had terrorized all the civilians. The King finally broke the silence and confirmed that there indeed was a murderer on the loose." My finger pauses on the remote and I'm surprised at what I heard.

I look up at Vlad as I feel his body tense against mine. His eyes remain focused on the TV and I turn back to it.

"The King issues a command that The Annual Festival will be paused for the moment. He prays for our well-being and requests we stay safe and cautious. The King also promises to find the criminal to bring peace once again." 

In the corner of my eyes, I watch his fingers clenched into fists. I'm confused and look up at him and watch a wild look cross his eyes. 

I remain frozen thinking if I should be scared of that maniacal look in his grey eyes.

He huffs and stands up, his eyes turning blue as he briefly looks down at me," I need to leave."

My previous concerns are momentarily forgotten as my heart drops at his words.

"What? Why?" I stand up, walking to him.

"I remembered something. I have to go, flower. I'll be back, yeah?" His eyes soften at my dullness and his hands move to cup my face. 

He presses his clothed lips against mine before stepping away from me. 

With a final glance, he turns around and jumps out of the window as I watch his figure vanish once again.


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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now