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The sudden silence sickened me.

I freeze and my heart speeds as I remain silent, not sure why they were looking at me like that.

"Oh, dear. You can't be one of those freaks who believe in all that!" She exclaimed, eyeing me as though I killed her damn dog.

Jack clears his throat and recovers from his shock," Looking up about those monsters, are you, LayLay?" His eyes turn dark and a cruel smile creeps up his lips.

"Perhaps we should let the King know about her new interests." Another guy with crooked nose comments.

Mindy picks up on one of the dark strands of my loose hair and continues," Oh hush, Bryan. They would exile the little miss good girl and toss her ass in the dungeons. We would never want that." Her mock sympathy got on my nerves.

"And even if all that bullshit existed, you think someone like you would have a mate, LayLay?" At that my breath hitches, his pitiful tone ringing my ears.

"You're a fucking nobody and you'd stay a fucking nobody so stop bloody snooping into unnecessary matters!" He snarls at my face and tosses the book to the ground and walks away.

"Guess you hit a fucking nerve, babe." I hear Mindy mutter before they all follow him leaving me frozen on my feet.

My heart ached and my lips trembled as I held in the tears blurring my eyes.

After a few seconds, I bend down and gather my books as I notice my hands shaking. Groaning at myself, I straighten my fingers firmly trying to stop the shaking but since it doesn't work I ignore it and collect the books and hurry my way out of the building.

Reaching home, I notice Luke still missing so I lock the doors and go straight to my room, and fall onto my bed.

My mind keeps rewinding to the incident and I keep remembering his words.

I clutch my hair in frustration because she was right! Everything he said hit my damn heart and I hated it. I wanted to scream and rip my hair out as tears of anger rolled down my cheeks.

Then I felt it. I felt him.

I clamp my eyes shut as I try to stop the tears.

The usual calmness that my supposed mate/stalker brought, did not reach me this time but rather it darkened my mood further. All of a sudden the tight restraint on my emotions loosened. I stood up and stomped down my room, throwing the windows open as they slammed back at my ferocious act.

"This is all because of you!" I screamed as the empty forest stared back at me.

"You fucking coward, why don't you show yourself?!" I continue screaming as more angry tears drip down my face.

"How dare you stalk me and come into my room and stir shit up and then hide like an idiot!" The deafening silence only made me angrier and my mind started piecing things up.

"Maybe it was just my imagination. Maybe there's nothing like that. No one's stalking me." I mumble to myself, holding my head.

But that can't be possible because I clearly remember feeling the warmth and emotions and they were something I could never make up on my own.

"You know what? Fuck it if you're my mate. You can stay behind your fucking shadows and I'll...I'll date a handsome Beta and marry him and have many kids with him and-" A loud growl cuts me off and my entire body freezes at the animalistic noise as a chill runs down my spine.

I think I forget how to breathe and in a blur of motion, I'm slammed against my bedroom wall with my cheek pressed against the wall and a warm body pressed against my back.

"I fucking dare you to repeat that, mate."


Well, that just happened I suppose oop-


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now