13_"Kiss Him"

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"You smell different." Luke looks at me curiously and I pause at the sudden statement.

"Uh, maybe it's the new hair wash," I say, trying to avoid the conversation and turn back to the TV. 

I felt his gaze on me and I was tense under the sudden scrutiny. 

"You'd tell me if you were seeing someone right?" And just like that, I was filled with guilt and anxiety that I was hiding such a huge matter from the one person who was the most important to me.

"I-I mean you don't necessarily have to. I'm sorry if that was rude." His saddened face only made me feel worse because Luke was sensitive like that and he'd apologise for everything but he was my best friend who was by me during all my difficult times and he had the right to know.

"I have something to tell you."

He gives me a worried look," You don't have to, Lay."

"No, I want to. I kinda need your help too." Now his face turns confused as he waits for me to continue.

"I'm seeing someone."

"I know."

"You do?" I ask, startled as his face turns red but he doesn't say anything. 

"I...k-kinda heard you talking. But in my defence you were screaming, I'm pretty sure the whole street heard you." It was my turn to flush red.

I did scream out the window. Was it that loud? And he was so annoying that even as we cuddled, we argued. Ugh.

"So, are you guys dating?" He beams at me expectantly. 

"I don't think 'dating' is the word. It's...he's complicated."

"Oh, so you guys did not do it?" He frowns, his voice so innocent saying that I almost choke on my spit.


"What? We're gonna lose the v-card at some point, Lay." I let out a 'hmph'.

"We did not...do it, Luke."

"Why not?"

"Because I haven't seen his face yet!"

He pauses for a moment before bursting into giggles, his hands smacking his thigh repeatedly in the process and I'm speechless. "What kind of porn is this?" Still laughing.


"You've been meeting him for a while now and you haven't seen his face? That's pretty kinky if you ask me, Lay."

"What? No!" I shove him as he chokes on his laughter. He straightens after a while and immediately turns serious.

"Are you sure he's not some creep or something? Is he...?" Oh, Lord. His worried face tugs at my heart but I can't tell him about everything yet since I didn't know most of it. But I do know he's my mate and he's the only person who could ever make me feel safe.

"No, Luke. He's not a creep. I...trust him." And saying it out loud made me realise I did believe in those words.

Instantly he calms down and goes back to his playful self.

"Fine, then you must've at least kissed him?"

I frowned and once again shook my head, ignoring the disappointment in my heart," We haven't gotten there yet."

Suddenly he snaps his finger and his eyes shine with excitement. 

"I have an idea! You have to kiss him!"


Luke is my favourite character ngl

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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now