
496 26 1

LAYLA | s e x u a l c o n t e n t

I shift between his arms as the softness in his eyes makes me feel an intense amount of emotions that I didn't know how to handle under the scrutiny.

I was pretty sure my face was burning red and he could hear my heart racing, and I was right as I watch a smug look pull up his face.

The familiar glint in his eyes makes me gulp as my skin instinctually heats up.

I am already seduced by the whisper of his light touches against my skin as he leans forward, pressing his lips once more against my eager ones. Breath catches at my throat as I melt into his arms and kiss him back. The gentle wetness of his lips on mine was something I had missed and made me lean into him all the more closer. Heat pools my stomach and I gasp as he nips at my bottom lips immediately soothing the sting with his tongue. My mind is hazy and my skin is on fire as I don't realize when his hands wander down my skirt. 

I'm left confused and panting when he pulls back. My eyes fell onto his wet swollen lips and I unconsciously wet my own. Before I could comprehend the situation, I'm suddenly in the air as his strong arms lifted me and placed me back on his large desk. He rolls his chair between my spread legs and embarrassment takes over me at the compromising position I was in.

Once again I'm caught in his trance as his hands ever so lightly caress the burning skin of my knees as he leans in to capture my lips into a demanding kiss. They move wildly as his tongue rubs against mine making me moan. And his kiss was just like him. Teasing and playful, messing with my mind over and over. 

When he pulls away from me again, I catch my breath and try controlling my panting as I study him with my hooded eyes. Anticipation and curiosity consume me as he leans back and watches me with those intense blue eyes. His hand rises up but instead of coming to me, he swiftly moves to grab the glass of half-filled drink and brings it to his lips. My eyes followed his every move and his actions somehow seemed to arouse me further. How does he do that?

The smugness entering his eyes makes me narrow mine on him. Settling the glass back, he pushes closer to me. The pair of lips I waited for never pressed against mine as I flinch back when I felt the cold wetness touch my thighs instead. 

My body stills in surprise as I watch him with my wide eyes. The cold wetness continues to drag up my legs as I shiver at the foreign sensation. Then I notice the glistening ice cube peeking between his lips. The joy was clear in his eyes as he studied each of my reactions to his bizarrely amazing actions. I bite my lips and lean back on my hands as his head moves closer to my heating sex. 

He wouldn't, would he?

Of course, he would. Small pants leave me as my body tightens, feeling his lips against my underwear. He never moves from his position as he slips his finger into the drink, picking up more ice cubes.

I feel the cold air against my pussy as the tiny piece of clothing is pushed away and the warm wetness of his tongue replaces it. A surprised moan escapes me and my sex clenches at his bold methods. He briefly looks at me before moving to his task. I grip the table with one hand and pull on his hair with the other as the sudden coolness of the ice cube makes me jerk up. They quickly meltdown my heat as his fingers rub against my slit. Soft moans leave my lips as he keeps on with his ministrations. His firm hand fixed at the small of my back is the only thing holding me up as he pushes an ice cube inside me. My eyes clamped shut at the foreign pleasure building as his fingers continue to push inside me. The contrast of his warm tongue on my clit makes me lose my mind as he gently lays me down on his desk before continuing. A silent scream of pleasure opens my mouth as the intense sensation comes undone inside me making my toes curl and fingers tighten on his dark locks. 

He pulls me back onto his lap, his fingers still pumping inside me as my body shivers at the feeling. His lips close down on my moans as he slips his tongue into my mouth and kisses me hard. My pussy clenched around his fingers as I wrapped my arms around him and completely melted against him.

"His Highness is expected for breakfast." A sharp voice suddenly pierces through the door makes me gasp against Vlad's lips and jump back, blinking at him.

"Everybody will be gathering soon." 

I begin to move away but his fingers inside me begin to push in and out again. I slam a hand over my mouth and lean my head on his shoulder as his hands begin to move faster. My hips sway with his movement as I chase another peak.

"We'll be there, Kain." His gruff tone vibrates from his chest and I clench around his fingers again before my core tightens, exploding into another orgasm.

My body goes slack as I lay panting on him. His hand caresses my wild curls as the ones inside me gently slip away, making me gasp. "You motherfucker."

He chuckles at my raspy tired tone," Such a dirty mouth, flower. I could do something about that."

I sigh and roll my eyes not wanting to interpret the underlying meanings of his words.


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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now