*Chapter 2*

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Y/N's P.O.V
Well at least have something to do over the weekend it's not like I had plans anyway. He turned around then something hit my head I looked and seen a paper airplane I grabbed it then then I looked up an seen the teacher staring at me
"Making paper airplanes during class detention" he said he took it from me then threw it away wtf I didn't even make that airplane but I knew who did I turned and seen him looking at me laughing I rolled my eyes the banged my head on the desk then I herd the teacher start calling out names. After calling about 20 name he called mine
"Y/N you will be working with Michael" he said I looked up then banged my head again on the desk ugh kill me now.
The bell rang I got up I was about to walk throught the door when he blocked it ugh
"So partner when do we start" he said
"You mean when do I start" I said while pushing him out of the way
"What does that mean"? He said
"It means that I'm gonna be doing all the work while you do whatever bad boys do" I said
"God your such a nerd I'll help of you want" he said
"No thanks I'll do it by myself I don't need your help" I said
"Whatever good luck nerd" he said while walking away I rolled my eyes god I hate him so much. I got to my locker and threw my books then I seen cal next to me
"Hey cal" I said
"Hey you seem mad" he said
"I am Mr. Alfred gave me detention and worse I have to do a freakin project with Michael" I said
"Michael the guy that's always mean to you"? He said
"Nooo Michael Jackson" I said
"Haha very funny anyway I'll text you later have fun in detention" he said I rolled my eyes then started walking towards the detention room well I guess detention isn't all that bad it's very quiet and a good place to study. I opened the door and of course Michael was here I sat on the other side of the room and pulled out my notebook and pencil I look up and see him next to me I rolled my eyes
"I don't see you in here that often" he said
"That's because I'm not a trouble maker like you" I said
"Yeah your a freakin goody two shoes" he said
"Just shut up" I said
"So when are we starting out project" he said
"You mean when am I starting" I said
"No I mean when are WE starting I decided I want to help" he said
"I don't need your freakin help" I said he was quiet I looked at him and he staring at me with a smile
"What"? I said
"Nothing" he said with a smirk I rolled my eyes then looked at my notebook then the bell rang
"I'm looking forward to working with you nerd" he said I got up and left god that guy is an idot ugh this is gonna be tourture.

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