*Chapter 14*

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Michael's P.O.V
"Are you serious your not the reason I left yeah I was freakin mad at you but that's not why I left " she said
"I'm sorry" I said
"Sorry for what"? She said
"For being a jerk to you I didn't mean those things I said your not a loser it's just I say things I don't mean when I'm mad and.." I said
"And"? She said
"And..I um sorta liked you" I said it was quiet I looked at her she was staring at me then a small smile appeared on her face
"You liked me"? She said
"Yeah nerd" I said
"Michael I liked you too" she said
"Really"? I said
"Yeah I always thought you were kinda cute" she said it was quiet the car stopped then Y/N looked at me and smiled
"So what now" she said
"There's still that fair wanna go"? I said
"Sure sounds fun" she said I smiled and started up the car then my phone went off shit it's luke
Michael: Calm down I borrowed it I had to pick up and Y/N
Luke: why is she coming to the fair with us?
Michael: yeah and I might have beaten the shit out of her boyfriend...
Luke: MICHAEL!!!
Michael: I have a good reason tho that asshole hit Y/N
Michael: ikr! I g2g I'll see you guys later.
Y/N's P.O.V
We got to the parking lot and I can already smell the food mmm cotton candy sounds so good. I got out then looked at Michael standing next to me staring at the fair I laughed then looked at the rides ooooh a Ferris wheel my favorite ride I smiled then felt someone grab my hand and intwined there fingers with mine It was Michael I looked at him and his cheeks turned red
"I hope you uh don't mind I.." he said
"I don't mind at all" I said he smiled the we walked to the cotton candy Stan mmmm it's so fluffy and yummy! I put some in my mouth then I herd someone shout my name it was luke I smiled
"Hey Y/N" he said
"Hi love" cal said
"Heyy" ash said
"Hi guys you should get some cotton candy it's bomb" I said I put more in my mouth then I herd them giggle
"Sooo what's up with you two" luke said
"What do you mean" I said
"Your holding hands are you two dating"?!? Cal said I looked at Mikey who was blushing aw he looked so adorable.
"Um Mikey can I talk to you in private" I said
"Yeah nerd" he said I laughed I thought it was so cute how he acted like a bad ass in front of the boys we walked to his car then he let go of my hand then looked at me and smiled
"So are we dating I'm kinda confused" I said
"I don't know do you want to date"? He said my cheeks turned pink I smiled
"I don't know do you"? I said
"Maybe" he said while grabbing my hand and interwined his fingers with mine I giggled
"So are you my girlfriend"? He said I laughed then stared at him for a bit then nodded the biggest smiled appeared on his face oh god what have I gotten myself into.

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