*Chapter 8*

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Michael's P.O.V
"Calm down Y/N" I said
"No what if we get caught we'll be in huge trouble" she said
"We won't trust me I ditched a lot of times" I said
"I know anyway were are we going"? I said
"Your place I wanna see Daniel" I said
"Fine" she said we started walking towards her house she looked at me I smiled then she looked at her phone
"Shit" she said
"What"? I said
"My moms home right now if she sees me she'll kill me" she said
"Well maybe we could sneak in" I said
"Hm yeah there's a ladder in the backyard we could use to get in my room" she said we got to her house and jumped the fence we were greeted by a puppy it kept jumping on me
"Sorry thats scooter he loves people" she said I smiled then petted him then i saw her grab the latter and lean it against the wall then looked at me
"Hold the latter" she said I walked up to her and held the latter as she climbed up. she got inside then I started climbing up and got into her room and seen Daniel by the window I grabbed him he was so soft and warm and adorable I looked at Y/N who grabbed the tower from her closet
"We need to finish we have to turn it in tomorrow it we want extra credit" she said
"Seriously I could care less about extra credit" I said
"Well I do care and I'm gonna finish it" she said
"Whatever" I said she rolled her eyes started gluing sticks together boring I put Daniel down then grabbed the can of spray paint she looked at me her eyes widened
"Don't even think about it Michael"! She said
"Don't worry I'm not gonna spray you I wanna spray the tower" I said
"Not yet the glue needs to dry" She said
"Ugh how long is that gonna take" I said
"Thirty minutes" she said
"So what are we gonna do while we wait" I said
"I don't know um tell me about your band" she said
"Uh it's pretty awesome I mean were not famous or anything but I think were pretty good I play guitar, luke plays guitar too, Calum plays the bass and Ashton plays the drums" I said
"Cool guitar is like my favorite instrument I don't play but I want to" she said
"Well maybe I could teach you sometime" I said she stared at me for a bit then smiled
"Yeah sounds cool" she said
"Yeah and we even have our first gig at the coffee shop" I said
"Awesome" she said we stared at each other for a min I smiled the she looked at the tower
"Um I think were ready for paint" she said I grabbed the can and started spaying it then I looked at the daniel who was licking his cute little paw
"MICHEAL"! She yelled
"What"?!? I said
"Look" she said I looked at the tower that was red instead of silver I laughed
"Not funny" she said
"I thought I grabbed the right paint" I said
"Obviously you didn't and there's no time to make a new one were gonna get a F" She said
"Calm down it's not a big deal" I said
"Yeah for you it's a big deal for me I never got a F before" she said I rolled my eyes I don't see what's the big deal our tower actually looked kinda cool.
Y/N's P.O.V
Shit this is what I get for trusting him now I'm gonna a F on this project
"Come on Y/N the tower looks cool can't we just turn it in like this" he said
"No we'll look like idiots not that it matters to you cause you always look like an idiot" I said
"It's just a stupid project I bet it won't even effect your grade" he said
"Michael this project is worth 100 freakin points" I said
"So it's just a stupid project just calm down ok" he said
"I wouldn't need to calm down of you just got the right paint but no your So freakin irresponsible and ugh this why I never wanted to be your partner in the first place" I said
"You think I wanted to be your partner you really think I wanted to work with a nerd and loser like you that's why no one likes you except that Calum kid cause your a nerd"! He said I stood quiet and my eyes started to get watery he stared at me for a bit then walked closer to me
"Y/N I..." He said
"Leave" I said
"Y/N i'm.." He said
"LEAVE"! I yelled he stared at me for a bit then ran out the door tears rolled down my cheeks I sat on the floor then my phone went off it's luke
Luke: hey r u sick or something i haven't seen you today
Y/N: no I ditched and it was the worst mistake i ever made
Luke: you ditched with Michael didn't you what happened r u ok?
Y/N: no I'm not Michael is such a asshole he ruined our project and we got into a fight and he was just a real jerk
Luke: Michael is a jerk for ruining your project but the teacher will probably let you redo it
Y/N: i kno but I've been very stressed lately
Luke: don't worry love I kno school can be stressful
Y/N: it's not school it's..something else
Luke: what?
Y/N: I gotta go I'll text you later .

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