*Chapter 31*

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Y/N's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and felt a little pain ugh I got up grabbed my phone and went in the kitchen and got a glass of water and a apple then sat on the couch I took a sip of water then I felt the pain again ugh I sliced up the apple took a bite then felt the pain again it's getting worse I got up then felt something i looked at my sweats and they were all wet oh no
"MICHAEL"!!! I yelled I sat back down then seen Michael come in looking at me worried
"You ok love what's wrong" he said
"It's time" I said
"WHAT oh my god ok um let's get to the hospital" he said he grabbed my hand and helped me to the car then we left.
We got to the hospital and my pain has gotten worse they gave me medicine and said that the baby was coming soon I'm so excited. I looked at Mikey he smiled then pecked my lips I smiled
"I can't wait too see her" Michael said
"Me too i wanna hold her so bad" I said he laughed then the I felt another sharp pain oww. Michael grabbed my hand and kept kissed it then kissed my forehead I smiled then the doctor walked in he smiled
"It's time" he said .
Michael's P.O.V
After a few hours our little kitten was finally born I was waiting in the hallway while they cleaned up the baby in the room with Y/N oh god I can't wait to hold her. I stood up then I seen the boys running holding Teddy's and balloons I smiled
"Hey Mikey congrats were's the little one I wanna see her so bad" luke said
"There cleaning her up they should be done soon" I said
"Oh ok we passed by the gift shop and bought her a few things" cal said
"Thanks" I said I laughed then the door opened I went inside and seen Y/N holding the baby I ran up to her and tears stared rolling down my cheeks I looked at Y/N who was also crying I kissed her cheek she smiled then handed me the baby finally I get to hold her oh my god she's so tiny and warm and perfect
"She's beautiful" Y/N said
"Yeah just like her mum" I said she pecked my lips then kissed the baby's forehead i smiled then kissed her tiny little cheek and a small smile appeared on her face awww
"What should we name her" I said
"How about Y/B/N" Y/N said
"Perfect" I said i kissed her forehead then I herd the door open I smiled
"Oh my gosh she's so cute" luke said
"She's beautiful" Ashton said
"Shes so freakin adorable" Calum said
"Thanks" I said I sat down the boys gathered around me and just stared at her I smiled I love her so much.

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