*Chapter 11*

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Luke's P.O.V
Were the hell is Michael it's already 1 and he's not back I grabbed my phone then I herd yelling and the door opened and Michael started jumping around everywhere
"Michael calm the fuck down" I said
"Dude you'll never guess who I saw" he said
"Who"? Cal said
"Y/N"! He said
"What"?!? I said
"Are you serious"?!? Cal said
"No way" Ash said
"Yes look she gave me her number" he said we stared at him for a bit then we chased him until he locked himself in the room
"NO"! He yelled I rolled my eyes then sat on the couch cal and ash sat next to
me and laughed
"He's such a freakin idiot" ash said
"YOU SUCK MICHAEL"! Cal yelled
"I LOVE YOU TOO" Michael yelled
"HOW DARE YOU MICHAEL YOUR A DICK"! I yelled we laughed then the door opened and Michael laid on my lap
"Get off me Michael"! I said
"I love you" he said I laughed then pushed him off my lap he fell on the floor then looked at me and flipped me off I laughed he's such an idiot.
Y/N's P.O.V
I can't believe I saw Michael it's been so long since...yeah it's been a while he looked different a good different. Ever since I left all I could think about was the boys I felt really bad for vanishing but if I told them that I moving to London with boyfriend they would have been so mad and upset and I just didn't want to see them like that and Michael I was so upset at the time I just wanted to vanish. It was the worst mistake I ever made he was sweet at fist then he became controlling and abusive I wanted to leave but he wouldn't let me it was hard at times but I got through it. I got home and he wasn't there good I sat on the couch then my phone went off it's Michael
Michael: heyy nerd
Michael: sorry I shouldn't have said that force of habit
Y/N: hi Mikey it's ok you can call me that if u want 😊
Michael: haha ok so um how r u?
Y/N: um ok you?
Michael: alright Luke's not talking to me tho lol
Y/N: what why?
Michael: I told cal that I love him and it kinda hurt Luke's feelings haha
Y/N: aw poor luke I ship muke
Michael: hahahaha omg you ship us
Y/N: Yesh sometimes me and my friends fangirl and yeah I ship muke
Michael: hahaha what about cake?
Y/N: cake is bomb
Michael: I thought you ship muke?
Y/N: I do I'm talking about the other kind of cake🍰
Michael: hahahaha cake is bomb speaking of cake you wanna maybe go grab a slice?🍰
Michael: as friends nerd lol
Y/N: haha I kno just messing with you um I'm kinda tired maybe tomorrow if your not busy
Michael: actually I am busy tomorrow I got rehearsal and stuff but you should totally come to rehearsal it'll be fun!
Y/N: idk are you sure?
Michael: positive rehearsal is at 12
Y/N: ok see you guys then goodnight😊
Michael: goodnight😴.

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