*Chapter 19*

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Y/N's P.O.V
Luke: Y/N were are you? What the hell happened?
Y/N: we broke up
Luke: what?!?Why?!?
Y/N: I had to go back home and we won't be able to see each other for like 2 years it was for the best
Luke: aw you two were so cute together I'm gonna miss seeing you guys together
Y/N: yea how is he?
Luke: he's pretty upset he came back drunk and passed out on the couch he's crying in his sleep and mumbling your name poor lad
Y/N: he's drunk?!? Omg he must have went to that bar when I left
Luke: yeah Michael does stupid things when he's upset like gets drunk
Y/N: oh I uh gotta go I'm getting on the plane
Luke: ok I'm gonna miss you
Y/N: I'm gonna miss you too luke and when Mikey's sober again...tell him I'm sorry and I still love him always
Luke: ok I will bye
Y/N: bye
I put my phone down then looked at Mikey who was staring at me with tears in his eyes
"Was that her" he said
"Uh yeah she wanted me to tell you something when your sober" I said
"I'm sober I know cause I can only see one of you" he said
"Ok she said she's sorry and that she loves you always" I said tears rolled down his cheeks he put his hands on his face I sat next to him and hugged him
"It's ok mate I know it's hard maybe one day you'll see her again if it's meant to be" I said.
Y/N's P.O.V
~two years later~
Were the hell did I put my phone I'm gonna be late to my new job. I threw the pillows on the floor looked through the cabinets nothing ugh I need a drink I went in the kitchen opened the fridge and seen my phone next to the cake ooooh now I remember I wanted some cake but I was on the phone with luke I must have placed my phone in here when I grabbed the cake. I grabbed my phone and car keys then ran out the door and got in the car then my phone went off it's my friend Y/F/N.
Y/F/N: omg omg Y/N guess what!!!
Y/N: I can't talk right now
Y/F/N: it's important tho 5sos are gonna be in town!!!!
Y/N: oh
Y/F/N: and I got tickets!!!!! One for me and one for you
Y/N: oh uh cook
Y/F/N: you don't seem too excited
Y/N: I am I gotta go bye
I put my phone down then started up my car and started driving my friend was like the biggest 5sos fan I never told her I was friends with the boys cause of course she would freak out now she's taking me to go see them I don't know how I feel about this.

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