*Chapter 3*

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Michael's P.O.V
She ran out the door I smiled then walked out towards her locker and seen that guy standing by it I think Calum was his name
"Calum right" I said
"Uh yea" he said
"Um do you know Y/N"? I said
"I'm her best friend why"? He said
"Um we have a project to do together and um can you um give me her number" I said
"I don't know" he said
"Please I gotta go here's my number text me hers bye" I said I started walking then my phone went off it was him I looked back and he was gone I shook my head that dude is a nerd just like her. I got to the pizza place and ordered two large pizzas mmm I love pizza. I sat at a booth and pulled out my phone and started texting her
Michael: helloooo
Y/N: Michael? How did you get my number?
Michael: Calum gave it to me
Y/N: that dickhead!!!
Michael: I'll be at your house in a bit
Y/N:what? no!
Michael: I wanna help tho
Y/N: I don't need your help so freakin leave me alone!
I put my phone back in my pocket then grabbed the two pizzas and started walking towards her house I didn't care what she said I wanted to help and it's better than going with luke to the library honestly any things better than that.
Y/N's P.O.V
I went in my closet and started throwing stuff out ugh I don't have anything to make my project with now I have to go to the store I grabbed my phone then I herd the doorbell I ran downstairs i opened the door and seen Michael holding two boxes
"What are you doing here" I said
"I said I was gonna help look I brought pizza" he said
"I said I didn't need any help" I said I closed the door then started walking towards hobby lobby and of course he was following me
"Were are you going nerd"? He said
"Hobby lobby" I said
"Ugh great what am I supposed to do with these pizzas"? He said
"That's your problem" I said he rolled his eyes then opened the box
"Well I guess there's only one thing to do" he said while grabbing a slice he took a bite then looked at me
"Want a slice"? He said I looked at him then at the pizza and grabbed a slice
"Your lucky I love pizza" I said he stared at me then a small smile appeared on his face I rolled my eyes then took another bite mmm is there really anything better than pizza.

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