*Chapter 9*

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Luke's P.O.V
Michael is such a asshole why does he always have to be a jerk. I grabbed my guitar then I herd the door open it was cal who didn't look so happy
"Is Michael here"? He said
"No" I said
"Good cause I want to beat his ass" he said
"I do too mate" I said the door opened again it was ash I sat on a bean bag And looked at the boys then my phone went off it's Michael
Michael: I'm not coming to rehearsal today
Luke: your a jerk
Michael: shut up
Luke: you are why are you so mean to Y/N she's so sweet and nice I don't know why your so mean to her
Michael: can you please shut up
Luke: you know why I think you so mean to her it's cause you like her
Michael: pfft I don't like that nerd
Luke: I think you do
Michael: and what makes you say that
Luke: just a few things like when we say her name your eyes lit up and we noticed when your around her you don't act like the bad ass everyone thinks you are your all soft and nice around her like a kitten
Michael: pfft yeah ok whatever I don't like her
Luke: Michael don't lie I kno you like her!
Luke: Michael?!?
Michael: maybe...i do so what it's not like she's like me too
Luke: I think you should tell her mate
Michael: why?
Luke: you should tell her before it's too late you never know Michael something could happen then it's too late
Michael: hmm you have a point fine I'll tell her thanks dr. hemming's
Luke: haha no prob always here to help😁
I put my phone in my pocket then seen the boys staring at me
"Was that Michael"? Cal said
"Yeah guess what Michael likes Y/N" I said
"For real" cal said
"Yup im convinced him to tell her" I said
"Do you think Y/N likes him too"? Ash said
"I don't know but I have a feeling she might.." I said.
Michael's P.O.V
I'm so nervous why am I even doing this she hates me I'm the last person she wants to see I should just go home wait no ugh I can't I have to tell her I can't back out. I walked up to the door and knocked no answer I rang the doorbell no answer I put my hand on the door to look through the peephole then it opened I went inside and my eyes widened everything's...gone.
I ran up to her room it was empty freakin empty what the hell is going on?!? I took my phone out of my pocket and started texting luke
Michael: dude she's gone!
Luke: what? Wait what do you mean she's gone?!?
Michael: her house is freakin empty she's gone!
Luke: are you saying she just vanished into thin air?!?
Michael: that's exactly what I'm saying she's gone!!!
Luke: I'll tell cal to try calling her I warned you mate I told you to tell her before it's too late now it's too late
Michael: I kno...

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