*Chapter 16*

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Michael's P.O.V
After having a little make out session we decided to go rent a movie and order a pizza mmmm pizza. We got back to the hotel the boys were asleep good I looked at Y/N she smiled
"Thanks for letting me stay here I owe you big time" she said
"No problem love and you can pay me back later" I said with a wink she laughed
"Your an idiot" she said while grabbing her backpack and walking to my room she looked at me and smiled
"Get the movie ready I'll be out in a minute I want to change into something more comfortable" she said while closing the door I smiled then Turned the tv on and put the pizza on the coffee table and grabbed us some sodas. I laid on the couch then I herd the door open my eyes widened
"I hope you don't mind I'm wearing your idiot flannel" she said
"I don't mind at all it actually looks better on you" I said she smiled then cuddled next to me I kissed her cheek then laid my head on hers is there really anything better than a movie night.
After about two hours of ninja turtle awesomeness the movie ended but we weren't tired and it was 1:00 in the morning. I looked at Y/N who was smiling at me then pressed her lips against mine and slowly pulled away I stared at her and smiled
"I love you" I whispered her eyes widened shit why did I freakin say that
"You love me"? She said my cheeks turned red she smiled then pressed her lips on mine again and slowly pulled away
"I love you too" she said I smiled then I grabbed her hand and stood up
"You know you still owe me" I said
"I know how will I ever repay you" she said
"I have an idea" I said she laughed I picked her up then carried her to the room she giggled god she was so freakin adorable.
Luke's P.O.V
I opened my eyes I herd my phone going off i grabbed it it's pAshton
Ashton: I'm not crazy right you herd them too right?
Luke: yeah I'm happy for them
Ashton: me too Michael's really lucky to have a girl like her
Luke: yeah he better not screw this up
Ashton: I don't think he's that stupid anyway I'm gonna go order some pancakes want some?
Luke: yea I'll be out in a min
I got up then put my flannel on then walked into the living room were cal and ash were I went into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee up and filled it with coffee then looked at the boys
"The lovebirds aren't up yet" I said
"No their probably exhausted from having so much fun" ash said
"Shut up I just woke up" I said he laughed then I herd the door open it was Michael with a huge smile on his face
"Good morning guys" he said
"Good morning have fun last night" ash said
"Yeah the movie was awesome" he said
"I wasn't talking about the movie idiot" ash said
"Shut up" Michael said
"We know you did we herd you guys" ash said his cheeks turned pink then we seen Y/N walk out wearing Michael's flannel she smiled then kissed his cheek
"Good morning babe" she said
"Good morning love go get ready and I'll take you out for breakfast" he said
"Okay" she said he pecked her lips then she went back in the bedroom he followed her and closed the door I smiled then looked at the boys who were also smiling those two are quite adorable together.

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