*Chapter 6*

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Michael's P.O.V
After leaving Y/N's I decided to go to Luke's place. I rang the doorbell then luke opened the door I smiled
"Not now Michael I'm studying" he said
"You can study while I play your video games" I said he rolled his eyes then I went inside and ran upstairs to his room grabbed the game controller and sat on a bean bag. I turned on the game and seen that luke freakin beat my high score
"How the hell did you beat my high score"? I said
"Easy I just went faster than you and used the short cuts" he said
"I'll beat your score later I'm exhausted" I said
"Why it's not like you did anything today" he said
"What does that mean" I said
"Michael your the laziest person I know" he said
"Whatever and I was busy working on my history project with Y/N" I said
"You mean she was busy working on the project while you were being lazy" he said
"No well kinda but I did help kinda anyway we went to hobby lobby and we didn't have to pay for anything" I said
"Were you stealing" he said
"No the cashier was flirting with Y/N and he ended up paying for everything She was basically staring at him the whole time honestly I don't know what she seen in him" I said
"Ooooh someone sounds jealous" he said
"What pfft I'm not jealous I don't like that nerd" I said
"Whatever I've seen her around school she's actually pretty cute" he said
"I guess she's kinda cute" i said
"HA you do like her"! He said
"That doesn't mean anything I say a lot of girls are cute" I said
"Ok well if you don't like her I guess you won't mind if I ask her out"? He said my eyes widened I looked at him then smiled
"I could care less but just to let you know your not really her type" I said
"Dude you guys have only hanged out for like a day how the hell do you know what her type is" he said I stared at him for a bit then got up and walked towards the door
"You don't know" he said I looked at him then at the door then left.
Luke's P.O.V
I shook my head he's such an idot but I never seen him act like this before it was kinda weird. I put my book down the seen Michael's phone on the floor I grabbed it then seen Y/N's number I grabbed my phone and started texting her
Luke: hey
Y/N: uh hi who's this?
Luke: luke from school I play guitar in front of the school
Y/N: oh yeah your pretty good
Luke: thanks
Y/N: welcome anyway how did you get my number?
Luke: Michael left his phone here
Y/N: oh wait you kno Michael?
Luke: yea he's my friend honestly idk why he's such an idiot lol
Y/N: lol try working with him he's such a idiot and he's so lazy
Luke: ikr and he was telling me about the dude at hobby lobby
Y/N: oh yeah he was acting so weird almost like he was jealous
Luke: maybe he was jealous.

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