*Chapter 30*

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~A few months later~
Y/N's P.O.V
Ugh I feel like a fucking bloated whale and my feet are killing me. I sat on the couch and rubbed my big round belly then I felt something a kick aw she's kicking. I grabbed my phone and started texting Mikey god I miss him
Y/N: Mikey she just kicked❤️
Michael: aw I wish I could be there to feel her kick I'm missing everything I wanna go home😢
Y/N: we miss you so much💕
Michael: I miss you too oh btw how did the doctor visit go?
Y/N: good he said any day now I'm so excited😁
Michael: me too wait...ANY DAY NOW omg she could be coming any day and I'm here miles away omg I have to go home
Y/N: aw babe are you sure what about the tour
Michael: it's ok babe we can always reschedule for next year we only had one show left anyway omg I can't wait To see you tomorrow I love you💕
Y/N: We love you too❤️
I put my phone down then I laid back and I put my feet up and covered myself with a blanket I'm so tired and happy I can't wait to see Mikey tomorrow.
Michael's P.O.V
We just boarded the plane I'm so excited I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad soon! I put a blanket over me then looked at the pictures that Y/N sent me from the doctor she's so tiny I can't wait to hold my little kitten.
I opened my eyes and the plane stopped yay I'm home. I got off the plane and went in the airport it's empty of course it's like 3 in the morning here. I went outside and got in a cab with the boys I can't wait to get home and see Y/N.
Finally I'm home I got out grabbed my stuff and went up to the door and slowly opened it and went up to my room were Y/N was sleeping I smiled then kissed her cheek then changed into some more comfortable clothes then snuggled in bed next to her. I put my hand on her stomach and felt something she moved a bit then I felt it again I smiled
"She missed her daddy" she whispered
I looked and seen Y/N looking at me with a big smile I smiled then pressed my lips on hers and slowly pulled away
"I missed her too" I said I kissed her stomach then I put my arms around her and slowly fell asleep.

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