*Chapter 25*

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Michael's P.O.V
"I promise" she said I pressed my lips against hers and slowly pulled away then stared at her beautiful eyes and held her hands close to my heart
"Y/N I'm not letting you go ever again I promise I won't the last two years without you have been hell I love you so much" I said tears were rolling down my cheeks she smiled then pressed her lips again mine and slowly pulled away
"I love you too" she said I smiled then pulled her into my arms and held her so tight then closed my eyes slowly fell asleep.
I opened my eyes and I moved around but didn't feel her warm body I sat up mmm something smells good. I got up went into the kitchen and seen Y/N making pancakes mmmm. I sneaked behind her and grabbed her waist and put my head on her shoulder she giggled
"Good morning" she said
"Good moring love" I said she turned around then pecked my lips then handed me a plate of pancakes I sat down and started eating mmmm so fluffy sooo good.
Y/N's P.O.V
He looked so freakin adorable eating his pancakes he's like a little kid seriously. I went in my room grabbed some clothes then went back in the kitchen then felt him grab my waist again
"What are you doing" he said
"I'm gonna go take a shower" I said
"Ooooh could I join you"? He said while kissing my neck
"Sure but we can't be long I have to go to work" I said
"Aww do you really have to go" he said
"Yeah so let's go" I said while grabbing his hand and going to the bathroom. We were in the shower for two freakin hours I'm so late I quickly dressed then grabbed my phone and looked at the time ugh I'm already 2 hours late might as well stay home. I put on one of Michael's flannels then went in the living room and sat in the couch I turned on the T.V then felt him grab my waist and kiss my neck
"Mikey stop" I said
"I can't help it I love when you wear my clothes there so big on you" he said I giggled then pushed him off me he laughed then I laid on his chest and he kissed the top of my head I miss this so freakin much.

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