*Chapter 7*

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Y/N's P.O.V
Y/N: nooo he couldn't have been he doesn't even like me
Luke: idk he said your kinda cute
Y/N: really?
Luke: yea but Michael's a weirdo he says a lot of girls are cute
Y/N: oh..
Luke: what you don't like him do you?
Y/N: no no of course not
Luke: really?
Y/N: I don't like Michael
Luke: hm not even the tiniest bit
Y/N: no ok
Luke: hmm ok if u say so
Y/N: yea anyway I'm going to bed goodnight
Luke: night love
I put my phone down then through a blanket over me Luke's crazy if he thinks I like Michael I mean we do have a lot in common and he does look kind of like a kitten but i don't like him nope.
I opened my eyes an herd my alarm going off ugh I grabbed it then turned it off I'm not a morning person. I got up dressed and grabbed a chocolate chip
Muffin and left. I got to school usually I would see Michael by his locker but he wasn't there probably slept in the bell rang I grabbed my book from my locker then started walking to class. As I was walking I was looking at my phone then I bumped into someone I looked up and seen Michael with blue hair
"Hey nerd" he said
"Uh hi um nice hair" I said his cheeks turned pink he smiled
"Thanks I did for my band" he said
"Your in a band"? I said
"Yeah with some dudes from school" he said
"Oh cool" I said
"If you want you can come to rehearsal today after school" he said
"Sounds fun but I gotta work on the project" I said
"Blah blah blah just come can't you just forget about school work for like a day" he said
"I don't know" I said he rolled his eyes the walked towards the entrance of the school
"Uh Michael aren't you coming to class"? I said
"Nah I'm gonna ditch wanna come"? He said
"No I'm not gonna ditch" I said
"Why you scared your gonna get caught" he said
"No I'm a good girl I don't ditch class" I said
"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught" he said I rolled my eyes then the warning bell rang
"Come on or are you chicken" he said I rolled my eyes then ran out the front door
"You coming" I said he stared at me for a bit with a smirk then started walking towards me I looked outside then at Michael hm maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

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