*Chapter 15*

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Luke's P.O.V
I put some cotton candy in my mouth mmm it's sooo good I put more in my mouth then from a distance I seen Y/N and Michael holding hands laughing I smiled they looked so cute together. I walked up to them they looked at each other then at me and smiled
"Sooo are you two a couple" I said
"Yes we are now officially a couple" Michael said Y/N laughed then something from a distance catched her eye
"Oh my god Michael look" she said I looked and seen I giant stuffed cat I looked at Y/N then they ran towards the game I followed wow that game looked hard
"I'll win it for you" Michael said
"Are you serious this game looks freakin hard no way you can win that cat" she said
"That's what you think nerd I can totally win it" Michael said he let go of her hand then handed the guy the money then grabbed a ball I gotta see this no way he can win this game. He threw the ball missed, threw the second ball missed then threw the last and missed he looked at Y/N then at the guy and handed him more money
"Mikey it's ok you don't have to win me that cat" she said
"I got this" he said I rolled my eyes he threw the ball missed grabbed the second ball missed grabbed the third ball then Y/N surprisingly kissed his cheek his eyes widened then he threw the ball and it hit the pins. The biggest smile appeared on her face he grabbed the stuffed cat then handed it to her she smiled then pecked his lips his cheeks turned red
"Thanks Michael your the best" she said
"Awww you two are so cute" I said
"Shut up" Michael said I laughed then I herd Ashton shout my name
"LUKE GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE" he yelled I rolled my eyes and laughed then started walking towards him standing by a ride probably wants me to hold his hand.
Y/N's P.O.V
Michael was so sweet I can't believe he won me this cat it's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!! We got to the food court and I sat on a bench while Michael went to get some food I took out my phone and took a selfie with the cat then posted it on twitter
@ Y/T/N:look what@ Michaelgclifford won me he's the sweetest💕🐱
@ MichaelgClifford @ Y/T/N: your welcome love☺️❤️
I looked up and seen Michael staring at me holding corn dogs and had a plate of pizza mmm
"Ahh pizza brings back so many memories" I said
"Yeah I remember you almost threw up" he said
"Hey I ate like 6 slices" I said he laughed then I grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite then my phone went off it's luke
Luke: hey me and the boys are gonna head back to the hotel Ashton threw up all over us
Y/N: is he ok?
Luke: yeah he's fine he's an idiot I told him not to go on that ride but nooo he just had to ride it
Y/N: hahaha ok I'll see u guys later
Luke: k u two lovebirds have fun💕
Y/N: 😑
I put my phone down then looked at Mikey who was staring at me smiling I giggled then he took another bite of his corn dog
"So Y/N now that were dating I think I should give you a new nick name" he said
"Omg please I'm tired of nerd" I said he laughed
"Ok until I think of something I'll just call you babe" he said
"Ok so what should we do now" I said
"How about this" he said while pressing his lips on mine.

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