*Chapter 13*

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Michael's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and seen luke laying next to me on the couch I laughed and his eyes opened then he pushed me off the couch
Michael: hey nerd today's are day off wanna go do something fun?😁
Michael: Y/N?
Y/N: hey Michael I just woke up yeah we should totally do something fun today what do you have in mind?
Michael: well there's a fair today maybe we can go I love fair food!😋
Y/N: haha sounds fun can you come pick me up?
Michael: suure I'll steal Luke's car and pick you up
Y/N: Luke's gonna be pissed lol
Michael: idc he can't stay mad at me he loves me❤️
Y/N: muuke💕
Michael: hahaha be there in a bit😁
I put my phone in my pocket then grabbed my jacket and Luke's car keys and sneaked out the door and left.
I got to her place then seen the door opened I smiled she looked cute I got out and walked up to her and gave her a quick hug then a guy walked out and stared at me she looked at him and a scared look appeared on her face
"Have her back by 9" he said
"Ok" I said
"I mean it and you if your not back by 9 you'll see what happens" he said
"Dude calm down" I said
"Shut up" he said what the fuck who does this guy think he was
"Excuse me" I said
"You herd me" he said
"You better shut the fuck up" I said I felt a tug on my arm I looked and seen Y/N shaking her head I looked at him then at her he's not worth it. I started walking to the car then I herd him mumble "bitch" that's it! I turned around then socked him in the face he got up then tackled me to the ground it's on!!!
Y/N's P.O.V
I knew I shouldn't have told Michael to pick me up now there fighting. I grabbed Michael's arm and pulled him away from that asshole
"What the fuck is wrong with you"! I said
"Shut up" he said
"No you shut up you asshole" I said he stared at me then I felt his hand against my face ow
"YOU FUCKING BITCH"!!! Michael yelled then socked him again tears rolled down my cheeks I got up and ran inside and grabbed my stuff then ran outside and threw it in the car then grabbed Michael's arm and pulled him towards the car
"IF YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU"! Michael yelled we got in the car then we left I looked at Michael who's lip was bleeding and his eye was bruised tears rolled down my cheeks. After explaining to Michael what was going on he shook his head then I wiped the tears from my eyes
"Why" he said
"Why what"? I said
"Why are you dating that asshole why did you let him hurt you " he said it was quiet I looked out the window then wiped the tears from my face
"He wasn't like that when I met him he was so nice and sweet then when I moved with him to london.." I said
"Wait that's why you vanished to be with him are you serious" he said
"Yeah I really liked him and I knew if I told you guys you would have been so upset and mad and plus I was mad at you" I said
"All this time I though I was the reason you vanished" he said

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