*Chapter 32*

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Y/N's P.O.V
~3 weeks later~
"MICHAEL"!!!! I yelled I picked up the baby from the crib and went in the living room he wasn't there "MICHAEL"!!! I yelled I went in the kitchen then in the bedroom still no Mikey ugh were is that idiot I went back in the living room and I herd giggling and it wasn't the baby
"MICHAEL I KNOW YOUR HERE I CAN HEAR YOU GIGGLING LIKE A RETARD" I yelled it was quiet ugh that freakin idiot I might not be able to find him but I know someone who can I bent down and put the baby on the floor she looked at me and giggled
"Go find daddy baby go find daddy" I said she laughed then started crawling around then something in her play tent caught her eye she crawled in and I started hearing the giggling again I tip toed to the tent peeked inside and seen Michael holding the baby laughing
"You found me" he said I laughed he got out of the play tent then pecked my lips I laughed
"Stop I'm trying to be mad at you" I said
"Why"? He said
"Look" i said while pointing to our baby that had blue hair!!!
"Babe she looks cute" he said
"No she looks like a freakin smurf" I said
"Don't worry babe it washes out and she looks adorable she's my little smurf" he said while grabbing the baby and peppering her face with kisses she giggled I laughed she's so adorable he put her down then he looked at me and laughed
"What some"? He said
"No" I said he laughed then jumped on me an started peppering my face with kisses
"Michael stop get off of me you idiot" I said laughing he laughed then rolled off of me then kissed my cheek
"I love you" he said
"I Love you too" I said he smiled then grabbed the baby and kissed her tiny little cheek she giggled Michael did too
"I love you too my little smurf" he said.
Michael's P.O.V
Now me and my little smurf have matching hair she looked so freakin cute I knew Y/N would get mad but she can't stay mad at me she loves me. I laid on the couch with the baby on my chest watching barney I remember watching this was when I was little these kid shows are so weird. I looked at the baby who feel asleep I smiled she looked so cute I grabbed a blanket then seen Y/N asleep next to me I smiled then covered us with a blanket I kissed her cheek then I kissed the top of the baby's head she's so warm and so cute when she sleeps just like her mum. I stared at her for a bit then my phone went off shit I grabbed it then looked at the baby on my chest good she's still sleeping I looked at my phone and seen the boys talking on group chat
Luke: I can't believe Michael dyed his baby's hair blue he's such a idiot
Calum: I know Y/N's probably pissed haha
Michael: she's not she actually Likes it she looks really cute we call her our little smurf💙
Michael: *picture*
Luke: omg she looks just like you😂
Ashton; yeah now she looks like satan
Michael: HEY I'M A ANGEL!!!
Calum: she looks so cute💕
Michael: yeah anyway I'm so tired I'm gonna go to bed goodnight guys😴
I put my phone down then stared at the baby and Y/N for a bit then kissed there cheeks and smiled
"I love you guys so much" I whispered I laid my head back then I felt someone kiss my cheek
"I love you too" Y/N said
"Love you daddy" the baby said and also kissed my cheek then fell back asleep on my chest I smiled I love my girls so much i don't know what I would do without them.
~the end~

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