*Chapter 1*

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Y/N's P.O.V
School was boring as always luckily it's Friday I need a break seriously. I got to my locker and grabbed my history book ugh I hate history why do we even need to know this stuff anyway. I started walking to class the my phone went off it's My best friend Calum
Calum: hey wanna hangout after school I just got a new video game
Y/N: I can't I have a huge test I need to study for
Calum: why don't you take a break your always studying so hard
Y/N: what can I say I'm a great student not like you have u finished the assignment for English
Calum: almost have u?
Y/N: I finished a long time ago
Calum: oh wait when is it due?
Y/N: today
Calum: shit I g2g I need to finish it before schools over
I laughed god cal is like the least responsible person ever. I put my phone in my Pocket then someone ran into me I fell on the floor dropping my book and my binder i looked up and seen him ugh I stood up then grabbed my binder and books and continued walking I could hear him laughing I rolled my eyes he's such a jerk.
Michael's P.O.V
I laughed as I watched her walk away that girl is such a nerd. I got to my locker and grabbed my phone then started walking towards history class I don't even know why I'm going if I could just ditch. I opened the door and all eyes are on me what it's not like I haven't been late before
"Mr. Clifford late again" He said I laughed and he shook his head
"Just sit down" he said I rolled my eyes then sat at my desk and pulled out my phone and started texting luke
Michael: I was late again today mr. Alfred looked like he wanted to kill himself hahahaha
Luke: can't talk in class
Michael: your such a goody two shoes just like that nerdy girl I bumped into today
Luke: seriously why do have to be a jerk
Michael: I'm not a jerk anyway I gotta go or mr. Alfred's gonna kill me
I put my phone down then looked up and seen him holding a clip board
"Attention class today we will be starting our unit project you will be creating a model of a landmark of your choice don't worry you won't be working alone everyone will have a partner that I will chose for you randomly" he said I rolled my eyes great just what I needed a freakin history project to do over the weekend this is what I get for not ditching class.

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