*Chapter 4*

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Michael's P.O.V
I finally finished the last slice ugh I was so full I looked at Y/N who looked like she was gonna throw up
"I think I'm gonna be sick" she said I laughed she rolled her eyes then went inside ugh this place is so boring
"So genius what are we making"? I said
"The Eiffel Tower" she said
"Oh la la" I said she laughed then grabbed a bag of Popsicle sticks and I grabbed a can of spay paint and she grabbed like two bottles of glue I looked at the bag of Popsicle sticks then opened it and put two I'm my mouth
"Y/N look I'm a walrus" I said she looked at me and laughed then shook her head
"Your a idot" she said I smiled then she walked to the cashier she looked him and smiled he smiled too she was about to hand him the money when he stopped her
"I got this" he said her cheeks turned red then she smiled
"Thanks" she said
"No prob cutie" he said they stared at each other for a bit then i grabbed her hand
"Let's go" I said I pulled her outside then she pulled her arm away
"What's your problem" she said
"What I don't have a problem" I said she shook her head then looked at her phone god I'm such a idot.
Y/N's P.O.V
I shook my head what's up with him he's acting so weird. I looked at my phone then at the sky it looked like us was gonna rain and it's getting freaking cold I started shivering the I felt something on me I looked and seen Michael's jacket I looked at him he looked at me with a smirk
"Uh thanks" I said
"Welcome" he said I looked at the floor then I herd something I looked up and seen something tiny on the sidewalk what is that?
"Oh my god" Michael said
"What"? I said he ran up to it then ran back to me
"Look" he said I looked and seen the most adorable little kitten ever
"Oh my god it's so cute" I said
"You like kittens too"? He said I looked at him and smiled
"I love kittens" I said we started at each other for a bit then he said something under his breath then he looked at the kitten
"I don't think this little guy has a home" he said
"Aw I'll take you home little guy" I said i took the kitten from him it was so cute
"So what should we name him"? Michael said I started at the kitten then a name popped into my mind
"How about Daniel" I said
"Perfect" he said I smiled the we got to my house I opened the door and my mom greeted us
"Hello Y/N and Michael" she said
"Hi mom were gonna go work on our project" I said while going upstairs I got to my room and put the kitten on my bed it curled into a ball then fell asleep I stared at it for a bit then looked at Michael who was staring the me
"What"? I said
"Oh um nothing let's just get this done nerd" he said I rolled my eyes yup typical bad boy.

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