*Chapter 10*

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Luke's P.O.V
It's been about 4 years since Y/N vanished we missed her tons but we knew wherever she was she was probably happy like we are. Our show in London just ended and it was amazing we came so far and we were living are dream. We got back to our hotel and Michael ordered room service of course. Michael never talked about Y/N and when we would bring her up he would leave. The Pizzas got here along with sodas and brownies mmm I'm so hungry.
I ate about 4 slices I'm so freakin full I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I collapsed on the couch then Michael got up and grabbed his jacket
"Were are you going"? I said
"Going to get some fresh air" he said while leaving I laughed he probably went to go get desert typical Michael.
Michael's P.O.V
I started walking down the street towards a nearby candy shop. I had to get away eating pizza reminded me of when Y/N almost threw up when she ate to much pizza. I do miss her but I know she's happy wherever she was. I got to the candy shop and looked through the window and seen all the candy then my eyes widened that girl looked so much like..no couldn't be can't be she's gone. I went inside and grabbed some lollypops and tootsies and a lot of other candy then I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around and seen that girl am I dreaming?
"Um hi remember me" she said
"Y/N"? I said
"Yeah um are you ok"? She said
"I'm fine I'm just kinda shocked to see you" I said
"It's been a while" she said
"It has how have you been"? I said
"Great you"? She said
"Awesome" I said
"Cool well um I got to go here's my number bye" she said she was about to leave when I stopped her she looked at me and smiled
"Um I'm sorry for what said a while back I was stupid and yeah" I said
"Michael that was 4 years ago" she said
"I know" I said
"It's ok bye" she said I smiled as she ran out the door she hasn't changed a bit.

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