*Chapter 12*

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Michael's P.O.V
I didn't go to sleep til 4 in the morning I'm so tired I can talk to Y/N forever. We got to the studio and I was already on my 5th cup of coffee and I'm still freakin tired I sat down then my phone went off it's Y/N
Y/N: hey sorry I'm running late I uh had something to do I'll be there in 5
Michael: ok don't worry about it see u in a bit
I put my phone down then closed my eyes I started dozing off then luke woke me with his guitar
"What the fuck luke" I said
"It's not nap time now get up" he said I rolled my eyes then the door opened I smiled then the boys ran to her and hugged her
"I missed you so much" cal said
"I missed you too" she said I smiled then I walked up to her and my smile faded
"Y/N why is your eye purple" I said she looked at me then quickly looked away
"I um fell but I'm fine" she said I stared at her for a bit then smiled. I grabbed my guitar and we started playing and Y/N started dancing I laughed she was adorable.
Rehearsals over and we could finally relax we decided to head back to the hotel and relax and order room service. Me and Y/N were sitting on the couch laughing when her phone went off and her smile faded
"What's wrong love"? I said
"Nothing um I gotta go I'll text you later" she said
"Aw do you really have to go" I said
"Yeah um maybe we can do something tomorrow bye" she said while walking to the door and leaving I looked at the boys who were staring at the door
"Hm something's different about her" cal said
"Yeah she seems so nervous and very jumpy" luke said
"That's so weird" cal said
"Yeah but yawwwn I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed love you luke" I said he flipped me off I laughed then went into my room and collapsed on my bed time for a well deserved nap.
Y/N's P.O.V
I got home and threw my stuff on the couch then seen him staring at me standing by the stairs
"Where were you"? He said
"At a friends" I said
"Really would that friend happened to be Michael clifford" he said
"What how did-" I said
"He posted pictures of you two together on insta and twitter are you cheating on me"? He said
"No he's just a friend" I said
"Whatever I'm done with your fucking lies it's time someone taught you a lesson" he said my eyes widened he grabbed my arm I pulled away then punched me I got up then he kicked me so hard I couldn't breathe he grabbed my arm then threw me on the couch I still couldn't breathe and I was feeling so much pain he went in the kitchen I managed to grab my phone then everything turned black.

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