*Chapter 22*

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Y/N's P.O.V
Wow there's so many people here we squeezed through the crowd to the front row then the girls started screaming I looked up and seen the boys I smiled it's been so long since I've seen them. They started playing and the song they were singing was beautiful it was called amnesia. I smiled then looked at Michael he scanned the whole crowd then stopped when he seen me a huge smile appeared on his face oh god I miss his smile.
After about 5 hours the show ended they were amazing and Michael was practically staring at me the whole time like a idiot. I got to my car and started it up then seen a piece if paper on the passenger seat hm I grabbed it and unfolded it and seen the messy handwriting that looked all to familiar
Dear Y/N
It's been two years since I last saw you wow that's a long time anyway I saw you in the crowd and I couldn't believe it at first I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't you look gorgeous btw um if it's ok maybe we can go get something to eat as friends of course I know this really good pizza place down the street from were you live maybe we can go there anyway I bet your busy and stuff so yea I miss you nerd and I really hope we can be friends again here's my number text me
Love, Michael :-).
Michael's P.O.V
The show was amazeballs seriously I got to sing my new song amnesia the fans loved it but the best part was seeing Y/N oh god she looked gorgeous like always. I laid back on the couch then my phone went off I quickly grabbed it and seen it was from a unknown number
Unknown: Hiii
Michael: Y/N?
Y/N: yea heyy
Michael: heyy it's been a while
Y/N: yea it has how have you been?
Michael: awesome the show was
amazing I'm so glad you came
Y/N: yea my friend made me go lol btw loved your song amnesia
Michael: thanks i wrote it someone very important to me inspired me
Y/N: oh cool um I read your note btw and sure pizza sounds good maybe we can go tomorrow if ur not busy
Michael: well cal did want me to go with him to a party but I much rather eat pizza with you🍕
Y/N: haha cool um pick me up around 1 tomorrow
Michael: ok sounds good goodnight nerd
Y/N: goodnight😴.

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