*Chapter 21*

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Y/N's P.O.V
I got home and started getting ready for the concert I put on my green day dress with some black pumps then went in the bathroom and did some makeup. I don't know why I'm dressing up it's just a concert I sat on my couch then my phone went off hm unknown number
Unknown number: luke hurry up we have a show soon!
Unkown: oh sorry wrong number
Y/N: it's ok...cal?
Unknown number: yeah who's this?
Y/N: Y/N
Calum: Y/N?
Y/N: omg seriously your I'm best friend
Calum: omf Y/N
Y/N: you really did forget about me
Calum: what of course not I could never forget about you
Y/N: yeah right just forget about me like you already did
I put my phone down then I herd the doorbell I opened the door and seen my friend wearing a lot of 5sos merch I laughed
"Ready to go"? She said
"Yeah I guess" I said she smiled then we left.
Luke's P.O.V
God I'm so nervous and excited at the same time after this show we have a little vacation it's gonna be fun me and ash are gonna go surfing and do a lot of other cool stuff. I grabbed my guitar then the boys walked in they were all so hyper except cal
"Cal you ok"? I said
"Huh oh yeah just thinking about somthin" he said
"Ok um you guys ready"? I said
"Yup" ash said
"Let's do this" Michael said
"Let's get this party started" cal said.

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