*Chapter 28*

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Y/N's P.O.V
This place was amazing seriously the food was sooo good my favorite my part was the desert me and Mikey shared a huge sundae it was amazing. After eating we went to the nearby park it looked to beautiful at night I loved how the stars would shine on the water and make it sparkle it's so beautiful. We sat on a bench and Michael put his jacket over me I smiled the he pressed his lips on mine the slowly pulled away And smiled then grabbed something the the jacket pocket then looked at me and smiled
"Y/N I love you so much i can't believe 6 years ago we hated each other now we love each other I love you so much and I can't imagine my life with you I wanna grow old with you I wanna have kids with you I wanna have 5 cats with you I wanna be with you until the day I die" he said tears filled my eyes he smiled then got down down on one knew and held a tiny black box tears were flowing down my cheeks
"Y/N will you marry me"? He said I nodded then I threw my arms around him I can't believe it Oh my god I'm so happy right now he pressed his lips on mine and slowly pulled away I giggled
"I love you" he said
"I love you too" I said
Luke's P.O.V
Michael: OMG SHE SAID YES!!!!!
Luke: what?!?
Ashton: wtf what are you talking about
Michael: remember I said something big is gonna happen soon well I proposed to Y/N and she said YES!
Luke: OMF!!!!
Calum: I think I'm gonna cry
Ashton: wow I didn't expect that I can't believe your getting married!
Michael: I know I'm so fucking happy rn it's time to celebrate party at our place tomorrow god I'm so freakin happy I could just scream!!!
Ashton: why can't we just celebrate today it's barley 8:00
Calum: cause Y/N and Michael are gonna have a little celebration of there own😏
Luke: *puts fingers in ears* lalalalala I can't hear you lalalalala
Calum: hahahaha
Luke: I'm outta here you guys are idiots
Calum: yeah I'm out too I'm so freakin tired
Ashton: I guess I'm out too I need food
Michael: alright then I'll see u idiots tomorrow then bye💩
Ashton: bye😜
Calum: later guys😎
Luke: byee🐧

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