*Chapter 20*

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Y/N's P.O.V
I got to work and I was already bored out of my mind the only good part about this job is that I get to listen to the new albums that come out. I sat down then pulled out my phone and started texting Y/F/N
Y/N: hey um sorry about earlier there's something I need to tell you just promise me you won't freak out
Y/F/N: it's ok and I promise
Y/N: me and the boys are pretty close I actually dated one of them
Y/F/N: agafhjsybnki
Y/N: it's not a big deal we haven't talked in a while I'm sure by now they forgotten about me
Y/F/N: your so freakin lucky wait you dated one of them who wait I think I kno Michael right
Y/N: yea I gotta go talk to you later
I put my phone down then looked at the display of the boys new album yeah I'm pretty sure they forgotten about me.
Michael's P.O.V
I'm so glad to be home so many memories memories that never can escape. I went up to my room and seen something by my window that brought back so many memories the red Eiffel Tower oh god I was such an idiot back then i remember Y/N...Y/N oh god I haven't herd that name In a while I miss her I wish I could see her but it's been a while who knows were she is now. I laid on my bed then my phone went off it's luke
Luke: it's so good to be home
Michael: yea it is
Luke: u ok?
Michael: yea just thinking of Y/N
Luke: wow haven't herd that name in a while I wonder how she is
Michael: I think she's happy wherever she is anyway I'm gonna take a nap bye.

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