*Chapter 29*

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Y/N's P.O.V
~2 years later~
"Babe I don't wanna go I'm gonna miss you so much" Michael said burring his face into my neck I smiled then kissed his forehead the boys are leaving on tour again and this is gonna be the first time since we got married that were not gonna see each other for months it's gonna be so hard I'm gonna miss him so much . He took his face out of my neck then pressed his lips on mine and slowly pulled away I smiled then immediately started feeling nauseous I looked at him and his smile faded
"Babe you ok"? He said
"Uh yeah why wouldn't I be"? I said
"You look like your turning green" he said
"I'm ok re-" I said nope I wasn't I got up ran to the bathroom and threw up ugh
"Babe your throwing up again you sure your ok maybe I should take you too the doctor" he said
"No I just have a bug that's all" I said I stood up rinsed my face then felt him grab my waist I smiled
"Ok I love you" he said
"I love you too now I need to go lay down I still feel nauseous" I said i walked to my room and collapsed on my bed he smiled then grabbed the car keys
"I'm gonna go get some ice cream it always makes you feel better when your sick" he said
"Ok Thanks babe love you" I said he pecked my lips then left ugh I laid my head back then my phone went off is luke
Luke: hey Y/N how are ya feeling
Y/N: like shit I just threw up again
Luke: Y/N maybe you should go to the doctor
Y/N: what for I already know what's wrong with me It's normal for pregnant people to throw up
Luke: yea hey have you told Michael yet?
Y/N: no I'm scared
Luke: Y/N you have to tell him were leaving tomorrow
Y/N: I kno I kno I'm gonna tell him when he gets home he went to go get me ice cream
Luke: lucky save me some?😋🍦
Y/N: haha your such a idiot shit Michael's back gotta go
Luke: good luck and I'm serious SAVE ME SOME ICE CREAM!!!🍦🍦🍦
Michael's P.O.V
I walked in the house holding two barrels of ice cream and seen Y/N sitting on the couch watching T.V i smiled then kissed her cheek she giggled then we went in the kitchen and started eating the ice cream I laughed she looked so adorable eating her ice cream. I pecked her lips she stared at me then her smile faded
"Michael there's something important I need to tell you but before i do you have to promise that you won't cancel the tour" she said
"Uh babe your scaring me what's going on"? I said
"Promise or I'm not telling you"! She said
"Ok I promise now tell me" I said she stared at me for a bit the her eyes started filling up with tears
"Michael....i'm pregnant" she said my eyes widened and I nearly choked omg did I hear that right did she really just say she was pregnant
"Did you say you were pregnant"?!? I said
"Yeah are you mad"? She said I stared at her for a bit then my eyes started feeling up with tears I smiled then pulled her in my arms
"No I'm not mad I'm so fucking happy oh my god were having a baby" I said
"Yeah I'm so happy" she said I pecked her lips then my eyes widened
"Y/N I can't go on the tour"! I said
"Michael you promised"! She said
"I know but I don't wanna leave you alone while your pregnant" he said
"Michael I'll be ok my mum is gonna come and stay with me while your gone she'll take care of me" she said I stared at her for a bit then smiled and pulled her back in my arms
"Ok I promise I'll be home before the baby's born" I said I pecked her lips and smiled
"I love you" I said
"Love you too Mikey" she said she smiled then I kissed her stomach
"And I love you too" I said.

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