*Chapter 26*

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Michael's P.O.V
We watched movies and played video games all day i would love to spend every day like this just me and her.
"Ha beat you again" she said
"No fair you kept hitting me with the shells" I said
"Only because you kept getting in my way" she said laughing I stared at her then smiled ugh I just can't stay mad at her it's impossible
"Ok enough video games I need a break" she said she got up went to the kitchen then looked at me
"Mikey there's nothing to eat" she said
"I know how about I take you out for dinner" I said she smiled then pecked my lips
"That sounds great I'm gonna go get ready" she said while going to her room I smiled then my phone went off it's luke, cal and ash on group chat
Ashton: omg there totally back together luke didn't you see Michael's last tweet "Michael: taking care of her hope she feels better soon cause something big is gonna happen soon hopefully ❤️💕" I bet you 10$ there back together watch
Luke: your on "her" could mean anyone you don't know "her" is Y/N ur so stupid ash
Ashton: fuck u your stupid
Calum: ash luke does have a point but what I'm wondering is wtf is gonna happen soon???
Luke: same "something big big is gonna happen soon hopefully " wtf is that idiot up too
Calum: idk I bet he's gonna do something stupid watch
Ashton: everything Michael does is stupid
Michael: I hate you guys😑
Luke: we love you too mikey💕
Michael: seriously this time it's not gonna be stupid trust me
Luke's P.O.V
Luke: ok I just need to know are you and Y/N back together?
Michael: yes we are❤️
Ashton: Yes I told you guys who looks stupid now !!!
Luke: fuck you ash I'm not giving you 10$
Michael: GUYS SHUT UP!!! I'm so freakin nervous rn
Luke: why?
Michael: you'll Find out sooner or later OMF!!!
Luke: what?
Ashton: are you having a heart attack?!?
Calum: is the pizza guy there?🍕
Michael: no omf I gotta go I'll text you guys later.

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