*Chapter 18*

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Y/N's P.O.V
After eating me and Michael decided to go to the park and feed the cute little ducks. We sat on a bench his was arm around me he was so warm he looked at me and smiled then pressed his lips on mine and slowly pulled away I smiled then my phone went off oh god no not now
"You ok kitten" he said
"Uh Michael there's something I need to tell you" I said
"What you can tell me anything" he said I stared at him for a bit then tears rolled down my cheeks
"I have to go back home" I said his eyes widened then he grabbed my hands and shook his head
"Your not serious are you" he said
"I am my mom is making me go home" I said
"No you can't leave we won't see each other for like a year that's too long" he said
"I know that's why we have to do what's right for us" I said
"A-are you saying we should break up" he said
"It's for the best Mikey I'm sorry goodbye" I said I gave him a hug then I ran off sobbing this was the hardest thing ever I love him so much but it was for the best.
Luke's P.O.V
We just got back from panda and we thought Y/N and Mikey would have been back by now but there not hm maybe I should text Michael just to make sure there ok
Luke: Michael were r u guys?
Luke: Michael?
I started typing then I herd the door open I looked and seen Michael he stumbled in then fell on the floor oh god he's drunk wait were's Y/N?
"Dude what happened were's Y/N" I said he looked up at me with his blood shot eyes then started crying oh god
"Y/N"!!! He said sobbing I helped him up then laid him on the couch but before I could say anything he passed out I looked at the boys then grabbed my phone and went to my room and started texting Y/N.

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