*Chapter 5*

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Michael's P.O.V
While she was putting the Tower together I was looking trough her stuff I looked on her desk and seen a small stack of albums and one of them was a green day album she likes greenday too!
"Michael stop looking through my stuff and come help" she said
"You like greenday"? I said
"love them why"? She said
"Nothing" I said i put the album down then sat next to her
"Michael hand me the glue" she said I grabbed the glue then looked at her then squeezed the bottle and glue went everywhere
"MICHAEL"! She yelled I giggled then she grabbed the bottle from me and started gluing everything together I rolled my eyes ugh this is so boring. After she glued about ten more sticks she stopped and started putting everything away
"That's good for today now leave" she said I got up looked at the kitten then petted it
"See you later Daniel" I said he meowed i laughed then he jumped out of my arms and ran up to Y/N
"Bye Michael" she said I laughed then started walking down the stairs I opened the door I looked back and smiled then left.
Y/N's P.O.V
I put the kitten on my bed then I herd my phone go off probably Michael wait nope it's cal
Calum: hey how's the project going
Y/N: I'm mad at u
Calum: I'm sorry!
Y/N: just kidding
Calum: oh uh wait your not mad that I gave Michael your number
Y/N: not really I mean yeah he is freakin annoying and a total jerk but eh
Calum: what?
Y/N: nothing oh guess what
Calum: what?!?
Y/N: I got a kitten!🐱
Calum: send me a pic
Y/N: later I'm exhausted btw I was at hobby lobby and the cashier said I was cute
Calum: haha is he like ur boyfriend now
Y/N: nooo before I could say anything Michael dragged me out of there he was acting so weird
Calum: really maybe he was jealous
Y/N: are you serious why would he be jealous he doesn't even like me god ur an idiot ima go take a nap buh bye
Calum: whatever bye
I put my phone down then closed my eyes time for a well deserved nap.

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