𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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⇢ "It was that bad?" Mina asked as she sat on your bed and watched you get ready.

"Mina, he literally shot fire at me the second he woke up. Is that not bad to you?" you question, "And he said my massage wasn't the best but his ass sure was snoring by the end of it, I'm sure he was drooling too." you point out, and slip on a satin blush pink mini dress and heels.

"Bakugou can never admit when he's wrong." Mina shrugs, "I've been friends with him for years so I just let him think whatever."

"Well I doubt he'll be coming back to me so whatever." you shrug and add your lipgloss into your purse.

"I hope you don't hate me." Mina laughs a bit.

"Why would I hate you? You didn't make me massage him." you tell your best friend, feeling like that wasn't what she was talking about.

"Well... you know how you're coming with me to do some measurements for suits and then we're meeting everyone for dinner?" she gives a cheesy smile as she plays with her pink hair.

"Yeah?" you question while spraying perfume on your neck and dabbing some on your wrist.

"R-remember, you love me, we share this beautiful apartment overlooking the city." she gestures and smiles again, "Well Bakugou is a part of all of that."

You stare at her through the mirror, "So you just want me to get burned." you groan a bit, not excited to see him.

"No no, he'll be good and if he isn't, come and find me." Mina smiles evilly, crossing her arms.

"Mina... Earth to Mina..." you bring your friend back to reality.

"Huh? Oh yeah, he won't bother you." she promises, "Now, we have to go."

You nod and grab your purse, "I thought being their stylist was a one time thing?" it's been a while since she first got the job on the side.

"It was supposed to be but then I met Kirishima and he wanted me to keep doing it for him and the others." she smiles at the remembrance. You remember how nervous she was and doubtful that they would like her creative direction but they were all for it, Kirishima being the one to thank her more than a dozen times. That night he insisted on taking a photo with her in the suit, keeping it in his wallet at all times.

He contacted her one week later asking if she would do the job again, then again after that and again after that until it just became a routine thing. One night she woke you up around two in the morning gushing that he's finally asked her out and you just needed to help her find an outfit which is funny because she's an inspiring stylist but you help your friend and send her on the best date she's ever had, and from there they kept seeing only each other.

"How sweet." you were happy for her and supported their relationship a hundred percent. "I'm ready."

"Let's go!" Mina cheers, and you two walk out of the apartment.


You made it to the tall building and rode the elevator up, you see all the top heroes offices, name plaques besides the appropriate doors. Out of curiosity when passing Bakugou's you peek inside to see it was surprisingly neat and you notice he had an assortment of stress balls on his desk.

"They're just up here." Mina guides and soon you're in an open space, there were racks of clothes and even a photographer, snapping pictures of Izuku in a casual outfit. You see the rest of the heroes getting their hair done or being set up for the next photo. Their girlfriends would only be joining for dinner since they had to work a bit.

"Babe!" you see red hair flash across the room. "Hey you two." he smiles brightly.

"Kiri, when I'm working it's Mina." she pokes his side, "Just kidding! I'm always your babe!" she giggles as he picks her up and takes her to his section.

You smile and wave as they leave you alone, you walk around the loft like space as some music plays. After walking you sit on the soft couch, pulling out your phone.

"Tch, who let this random in?" a rough voice asks and you see shoes right in front of you. You look up to see Bakugou, glaring at you harshly "Oh, it's you. Are you a crazy fan or what?"

"I'm here with Mina." you say and nod your head at your friend who looked very concentrated as she held her options. "You should go change for your photos." you look up and down at his outfit. "I don't think they'll like that."

"This is what they put me in!" he yells and everyone just keeps doing what they're doing, not batting an eyelash at his outburst. "What the hell are you wearing?"

You smile down at the cute dress, "A dress, cute right?" you cross your legs and look up at him, he was an asshole but he was a sexy looking one.

"I've seen better." he mumbles, he didn't find it cute, he found it sexy. "You have an eyelash, nerd." he gestures to where it is and grumbles when you miss it completely, "Let me." he leans down and grabs your chin in his rough hands, fingers carefully pinching the small hair, "Make a wish." he holds it on his pointer.

He watches as you close your eyes and make a wish before blowing it to the floor.

"Yes, stay just like that."

You two turn and see the photographer, snapping a photo. "Oh yes! The surprise on your faces are perfect. Now look at each other and Bakugou, hold her other cheek."

"The hell? I thought this was a solo shoot." he lets you go and stands up right, "I'm not taking photos with her."

"I have a name you know." you roll your eyes and cross your arms, looking to the side now.

Bakugou stands next to you, hands in his pockets, "Notice how I didn't ask?" he looks the other way.

The photographer points and snaps another, the two of you looking done with each other was great.

"It's y/n. Notice how I didn't wait for you to ask?" you retort, and get up to grab a drink from the mini fridge.

"Oi! You're not getting the last word!"

"I think I just did, Mr. Bakuhoe." you wave as you keep walking.

"I won't let you!"

"I don't need you to let me do anything."

He breathes deeply and starts to follow you, "Stop talking!"

"You first!"

"I'm going to burn that pretty dress right off."

"So you think it's pretty and ooh kinky." you tease, bending down to grab a water bottle.

Bakugou's eye twitches, never has he had a girl back talk to him.. but somehow he found it refreshing and fun.

"You don't know how kinky I can get, y/n." his finger runs down your backless dress, smirking in satisfaction when seeing you shiver a bit. His photographer calls him over and he leaves without looking back.

Damn, he had the last word.


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now