𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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It was silent majority of the ride home.

Bakugou was shaking in his seat as you tried not to look in his direction.

"I fucking knew it y/n!" Bakugou raises his voice and speeds even more.

"Kat it's-"

"It's not fucking ok!" he looks at you as if you're crazy, "You can't work anymore." he states and makes it into his heavily gated home.

"I'm going to need money, how will I pay for anything.. like my car, I'm still helping Mina with rent and just necessities for myself, not working isn't an option." you shake your head.

"I will pay for it all." Bakugou gets out of the car and shuts the door very harshly, you feel the car shake. "I'm serious, you're not fucking working anymore."

"So what I'll just stay at your house, cook, clean and wait for you to come home?" you were getting upset now, why did he get a say in your life so quickly.

"Yes fucking yes! I'm so glad we're on the same page." he breathes in relief and unlocks his door as you laugh loudly.

"It was a joke you dick! I can't let that fucker mess with my life more than he already has, I'm going to work tomorrow." you end the conversation there and walk up the stairs with Bakugou right behind you.

"You're not going y/n."

"Funny because I am."

"Stop being so delusional." he grits out.

"Go away!"

You know he's following you so you quickly walk into your room and slam the door behind you, "Good because I was going to lock you in there anyways!"

"It locks on my side dumbass!"

Bakugou groans roughly and walks into his room, slamming it harder than you could ever.

"Someone's angry." you mutter and take deep breaths.


It's been a few hours and neither you or Bakugou made the move to acknowledge each other. You two would pass by each other wordlessly and wish for each other to say something, anything.

"Kat." you say as your toasting bread.

Bakugou was across at the other counter making tea. He only grunts.

"I'll be ok."


"And what if you're not?"

"Then maybe it was time."

Bakugou sighs and drops his head, "You're really ok with that?"

"I told you I can't live in fear anymore, I just can't, it's not fair to me." you spread nutella on the two slices of bread.

Both of you turn around at the same time, he was holding two mugs of tea and you held two separate plates with one sweet bread on each. "So please, support me." you slide a plate over as he places the mug down next to your plate.

"Fine, only because I won't let that fucker hurt you."


"Kat, let's watch a movie." you say happily and spread on his big couch.

He doesn't say anything besides sitting next to you and letting you choose, "Shitty romance movies." he mutters to himself.

"Love keeps color in this dull world." you pout, "If I manage to find someone to love me right.... it'll be a miracle." you remember all your failed relationships, you were a magnet for them. "Have you had any girlfriends Kat?"

His face turns hard, "One but she's long fucking gone, thankfully."

"I wonder what you're like as a boyfriend... or lover." you smile at him as he rolls his eyes and moves away from you. "That'll be a sight to see."

"You're probably the nagging girlfriend so shut up and watch the movie."

"Ok ok." you laugh softly, you never thought of yourself as nagging but maybe that's why your relationship were doomed from the start.

It was a good movie, until it turned sad.

"W-why did he want to die." you cry and wipe your tears away, "They loved each other and he still chose to die."

Bakugou watched you cry, thinking half of it was from the movie and half of it was from the extreme events that had put your life in danger. "It's not fucking real, just imagine that he didn't die."

"It's not the same Kat!" you cry more.

"You're the one that chose the dumb movie!" he exclaims.

"Just comfort me!" you look at him with low tired eyes, he knew it was from the second option.

Without another word he pulls you onto his lap and hugs you tightly although he was still tense when you hugged him back harder. "Now stop fucking crying." he looks down and sees you snuggle more again his chest.

"Ok.. I will." you whisper and the tears do stop, "I feel so.... safe.. safer than eve-" you fall asleep and relax completely.

Bakugou brushes your hair out of your face and dries your cheeks completely, "Goodnight dumbass."


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now