𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨

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Mitsuki and Masaru left when your friends came back and they brought you your favorite food, "Was it nice to see them?" Mina asks while her and Eijirou sat in one chair.

"It was." you nod and continued to eat. Your life felt empty, an endless void. "The nurse said I can go home." you clear your throat, "I'm not really sure where that is.."

The engaged couple looked at each other, "You can stay with us."

"No. I actually want to go to Kat's." you eat the rest of your noodles, "Take me?" you look up at them as they nod. "Thanks."


Two hours later you walk through the door, it was a bit messy. You pick up the pizza boxes and papers with a detailed floor map of the rehearsal dinner's building. He planned this. "He knew he would die.." you barley managed to speak.

As always you cleaned your heart out, crying silently when you realize he'll never get to appreciate it or get upset when you move the remote back where you said it belongs. You take a shower as well and come out to get water, stopping when seeing his closed door. You open his door slowly and it was just how you last saw it, the bed was messy from the night that felt so long ago. You remembered how free you felt and it was all because of him.

You take off your clothes and slip on the shirt that was on the floor, feeling safe and warm by his scent alone. Letting out a sigh you lay in the middle and snuggle into his comforter, falling asleep with Bakugou filled dreams.


no one's pov

"Why did you call us so urgently?" Mina asks when seeing everyone in a circle, "Where are we and where the hell have you been?" she growls at the number one hero who looked exhausted.

"This is the only place that no one can ever find. I've been here for over the past twenty-four hours." Izuku sighs, he was also still in his suit although some of it was ripped from the fight. "I called you all because.." he opens the door.

Bakugou was laying on a bed and eating spicy pasta, "I thought I told you to tell them to bring y/n." he looks up at Izuku who shrugs.

"She just got released from the hospital. We just dropped her off at your house." Mina spoke and Bakugou's eye twitched.

"I can't just fucking sit here." he says, standing up and wobbling a bit, "Stop! I can fucking walk!" he growls when all his friend attempt to help him. "Hand them over." he holds out his hand to Izuku who reluctantly places car keys in his hand.

"I'll be back." he doesn't give them room to object. "Thanks Deku." he pats his childhood friend that manage to save him as his lungs filled with the toxic smoke and hurried him to safety then healing him nonstop.

No matter how much pain he was in.. he was going to y/n.


Bakugou walks into the silent house, seeing everything nice and neat. "I'll let it slide this once." he mumbles when seeing the remotes in the wrong place.

His legs were still recovering but every step up the stairs motivated him, he would see her soon. When opening her door it was empty and he sighed, Did she get fucking kidnapped again? He roughly gets his phone out of his pocket and dials Mina's number while walking into his room to change and go look for y/n.

"She's not fuck—" he stops and stares at her sleeping body, hugging a pillow close to her chest. He hangs up and tosses it to the side, feeling his worries all fall off his heavy shoulders. He takes off his clothes and wears new boxers before getting in bed. Bakugou gently takes out the pillow and replaces it with himself. "Shit y/n.. I fucking love you." he wraps his weak arms around her and trembles slightly, waking the girl.

"K-kat?" she looks down at the familiar hair and lowers to see his slightly wet cheeks, "Kat how are you—" y/n gets cut off by Bakugou pressing a kiss to her lips, "Is this a fucking dream?" she asks mostly to herself.

"No dumbass, it's really me." he presses their foreheads together,

"You can never get rid of me."


not the ending but it's happy! :')

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