𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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Somehow it was already thursday and almost time to see Bakugou again, you two haven't talked since the call so you assumed that neither of you would actually go and beg for Mina's forgiveness later.

You sat on the couch eating cheeto puffs while watching a walk to remember, crying again when the sad part hit you. "Why do I do this to myself?" you say and wipe the tears and jump when a harsh knock is at your door.

Pausing the movie you get up and open the door to see Bakugou looking at you angrily, "I called you four times."

"I didn't have my phone on me." you sniffle, it was true but he was still angry.

"What are you wearing?" he takes notice of your matching pajamas, "Is this how you're going out?"

You blush and shake your head, "No, I didn't think we were actually going to see each other."

"Why? We made plans, go change." he nods his head and you nod before going down the hallway. He was wondering why your eyes were puffy but when he saw the tv screen he understood and shook his head, girls and their dumb romance movies.

You quickly change into something casual and meet Bakugou back in the living space. You put the bag of chips away and turn off the tv, "Let's go Mr. Bakugou."

Shortly you get in his car and he begins zooming through the city, "I just noticed your car is manual." you take note and were impressed, he drives with ease. "I wish I could learn." you stare at his large hand around the shift stick.

"You don't know how to drive manual?" Bakugou side eyes you.

"No, my... friend tried to teach me but he got frustrated so we stopped." you laugh, although the memory wasn't fond at all, quite the opposite.

Bakugou notices how tight your posture has gotten but doesn't mention it, only doing a hm and continuing to the record store.


"Wow! It's been so long since I've been in a store like this." your eyes glow as you both enter the small building that was empty, "Weird, usually these places always have so many customers." you shrug and continue down the aisles.

"I paid the owner to close the store for two hours so we could be here without randoms coming up and asking questions." the blonde follows behind you closely, he was surprised at how much you liked it already, admiring how you mimicked a kid in a candy store.

You look back at him and give a sweet smile, "Thank you Mr. Bakugou." you poke his bicep.

"Yeah.. whatever." he mumbles and walks off as a very very tiny blush creeps onto his cheeks but you follow him this time, talking about all the albums you've wanted, your collection was a bit outdated. "Go get them."

"I forgot to bring my purse, I'll be sure to order them when I get home." you nod at your own plan and flip through the genres.

"I'll pay for them." he rolls his eyes, he was already planning to do that but you didn't need to know.

You look up at him in shock, "No it's ok, they'll add up." you wave and begin to walk to the create your own corner, "Let's just-"

Bakugou tch's and pulls you back, "I know you want them right now so just get them, you can pay me back later."

"Ok.." you nod, you would be paying for them so you agree and grab the ones that you wanted. You jump a bit when Bakugou reaches out and takes them into his arms, "I can-"

"Let's go create one." he interrupts you and pulls you with his free hand. You notice how warm he is, maybe from using his quirk a lot.

"Your hand is really warm." you say without thinking and he instantly pulls away.

"Sorry." he mumbles and freezes when you grab his hand with your own, "What are you doing?"

"I don't think it's a bad thing, I enjoy warmness." you smile to yourself and start tapping on the machine, "My favorite season is summer y'know when the sun kisses your skin just right, what about you Mr. Bakugou?"

Bakugou stares as you pick out your songs, "Spring, I guess."

"You guess?" you question jokingly and let go of his hand to grab something else, "You seem like someone who is very sure of himself." you tell him honestly and watch the record being made.

He raises his hand a little, the warm feeling gone and consumed by weird coldness he wasn't familiar with.

"Stop asking questions." he says shortly, crossing his arms over his chest.

You laugh, "I only asked one, trying to get to know you." you shrug your shoulders, "Come do yours." you place the record on a rack and move so Bakugou can access the machine.

The hero stays silent and does his quickly, "Now we wait."

"Would you two like to make a personal cover?" a worker comes out of the small room and you nod while Bakugou shakes his head.

"Please." you turn and give him puppy eyes.

"That won't work." he turns his head but you only follow his eyesight, "You're so annoying, fine!"

"Yay!" you clap triumphantly and pull him to where the worker was with the camera, "Be in mine with me."

"That's where I draw the damn line."

"No no Mr. Bakugou please." you grab his arm and pull him against you, hugging him from the back and smiling from the camera, "Take it before I'm burnt alive!" you mumble through your teeth.

The worker quickly nods and snaps the photo, as Bakugou looked beyond done. "Would you like one for yours sir?"

"I don't give a damn, make it whatever you want." he rolls his eyes and leaves your embrace, gathering your other records.

"Make it of me." you whisper and smile sweetly for the camera, the worker shows you the photos and you nod happily, "Thank you!"

"Give me about three minutes." they smile and leave to the room again with the two records.

Going back Bakugou is practically shaking, "Please wait to extract fire until we get out of the building." you tease and he snarls, walking to the counter.

You join and the worker comes back out, one record was in a hard orange slip and one was in a hard red slip, they scan the records and it was a hefty total but Bakugou didn't flinch when he swiped his black card. "Thank you again!" you call out as you leave the store.

Bakugou grips the bag in his hand harshly but carefully places it in his car and drives you back home.

"Aren't you coming?" you question when he parked but didn't begin moving.

He looks at you confused, "Why would I be coming with you when I'm finally able to get rid of you."

You pout jokingly, "It would be wrong not to share each others records." you hug the bag to your chest, "Come on Mr. Bakugou and then you can go back to being a rude hero."

"Fine, only to make you shut up."


𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now